"And the ring was given back?" Klaus asks, a frown on his face.

Marcel produces it from his jacket pocket, placing it on the table. "At the door a few days ago—around the time you guys called me about Aurora,"

"So, basically, that's a bat signal and I'm in deep shit," Rory sighs.

"That's not confirmed, okay? Let's not panic. Listen, the Strix are under my command now. And it was pretty clear what Tristan did that caused him to get put in the situation that he's in now," Marcel replies.

"Yeah, I'm sure the Strix will be real forgiving," Rory scoffs in a sarcastic manner.

"No one has made a move. Rory, you need to calm down,"

"I am sick of being calm!" Rory doesn't know where the explosion of emotion suddenly comes from, but she's suddenly furious. She slams her palms against the table, her eyes shining angrily. "Do you know how fucking tiring it is waking up every morning just to hear that somebody new is trying to kill me? And every time I try to do a good thing, it comes back to bite me in the ass. I left Aurora alive, she turned an entire group of ancient vampires against me. I tried to be a good friend to Cami, the white oak stake is gone. I wear a fucking ring, and now I'm a goddamn traitor. Being calm and being good gets me into trouble."

Marcel sighs softly. "I understand—"

"—No, you don't. You don't understand. You have your problems, and I have mine. We are not alike. And you will never understand, so don't try and calm me down by saying that," Rory jabs a finger in Marcel's direction. "You're the leader of the Strix. I don't care if no one has made a move. You need to find out who makes it before they make it."

"It's not like they're wearing signs that says they're still in support of Tristan de Martel, Rory. You have to understand how difficult it is for me right now," Marcel retorts with a frown.

"Then burn the entire place to the ground," Rory snaps. Marcel blinks, surprised at her response. "I don't care. I'm not going to sit around and wait for them to come and get me anymore."

Rory storms out of Klaus' study, leaving the two men behind to process what had just happened. Marcel gulps nervously, shifting slightly in his seat. Klaus turns to face his adoptive son, a sigh leaving his mouth. Without another word, Klaus follows after Rory.

He finds her standing on their balcony, an unlit cigarette between her lips. He approaches her, shutting the balcony doors so that they could have more privacy from the vampires inside the compound.

"Are you alright?" Klaus asks quietly.

"I thought I was fine," Rory lights the tip of her cigarette, tossing the lighter on the table. She inhales deeply, closing her eyes. "I thought I could...I could keep a cool head about everything like I always do. I did have a cool head. But then I realised that I'm just so fucking tired. I'm tired of being targeted for no reason. Aurora hates me because I'm dating you, the Strix hate me because Tristan got what he deserved. I try to be a nice person and I try to see the best in people, and then I realise that maybe there aren't any good people at all."

"It's because you're full of humanity, Rory," Klaus says after a moment of silence. Rory exhales a cloud of smoke, clenching her jaw. Her eyes shine with unshed tears of frustration. "And it's a beautiful trait to have. But in a world of monsters, humanity gets you killed."

"What are you suggesting? I turn it off?" Rory scoffs, turning to face him. "I just stop caring?"

"No. Of course not. Your humanity is what makes you who you are," Klaus tucks a hair behind Rory's ear. "But you need to be more selfish instead of selfless. You need to let bad people die when they're supposed to. Don't think with empathy anymore, think with rationality."

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