Chapter Seven: A Flight

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Chapter Seven: A Flight


I guess that was one of the million words I can describe this.


Was another. The lights that reflected through the night blue sky.


It was perfectly safe. I wasn't a girl that who always the use the word 'safe' nor calm. I was a girl who likes violence, brutal things like war. But having put together all the words I descirbed this, this was one of them.

I sighed as I pressed my back unto his back. I was sitting the wrong way but I didn't care. I just wanted to see the view. Well, I wouldn't call this a view. It was, like, another world you can live in. Another parallel universe that, in that imaginable world, you can be anyone or anything you want to be. Freedom and love was there. Not being tied up and having to have to marry a jerk...

I wondered what my life would be if I'm not 'Fearless' Astrid Hofferson. If I wasn't the most perfect shield maiden throughout the archipelago. If I wasn't a part of the Hofferson's breed. If I didn't live.

What would happen?

"Do you like it?" Hiccup asked, near to a whisper. He snapped my thoughts away as I sighed in peace. Both of my hands on my stomach and stared out.

"I-It's amazing." I paused. "He's amazing," I smiled and patted Toothless.

"Why, thank you, I am very amazing," Hiccup boasted. I gave a blank face at his personality.

"I was talking to Toothless," I corrected as I felt him frown, a victory earned from me. I covered up my cheering by pressing my back unto his more and stared at the amazing view.

The three of us (Toothless, Hiccup and I) were on the air, taking a flight that Hiccup suggested about minutes ago. Before, I didn't want to go since it was already dark and I always go to sleep early for my training in the morning. And another reason was that he wanted me to jump off my bedroom window and unto his dragon that I don't think will catch me at all. I felt like I was going to fall that time but I didn't.

As after that, we started to soar up the sky and watch the lights reflect the dark, blue sky. We also watched Berk in night, vikings going to sleep early like me whilst children just stayed awake. The view was amazing; nothing I can ever imagine.

"So tell me, have you got any...girlfriends?" I asked, hoping he does so this contract will be gone.

"Nope," he replied, popping the 'p'. "I'm single again."

"Again?" I asked, confused as I sat up and turned to him. I felt the wind rush through me more since I moved swiftly.

He nodded as I sat upright. "I've been dating girls here and there," he answered as I think back. "Surprised you haven't heard of me before."

I widened my eyes at his information. "You're the 'player'?!" I exclaimed, quoting the word 'player'.

My hands went through my head. I can't believe that my parents practically set me up with this...moron! I mean, he's not my type! He's not even a tiny bit nice!

As Hiccup nodded for an answer I commanded, "Get me down, now." He looked reluctant to. "Now!"

And as quick as a slap by an axe, my feet touched the ground with a thump. I felt dizzy since it was my first flight and because of the information I've been given.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he mounted off Toothless with a confused look. He walked up at me, an inch. And he's about an inch taller and that made me mad.

"Oh nothing," I sighed. "It's just the fact that my parents forced me up to marry thus freaking jerk that Odin knows that he's Loki's son!"

I can see he was taken aback since I practically called him Loki's son. I mean, those words just came out of my mouth without me thinking about it. But I didn't regret it.

"So you think I'm a jerk who's Loki's son?" he asked, pointing to himself. "So I'm a jerk who is arrogant and no one likes me..."

"You said it youself," I shrugged, crossing my arms. "Remember, your words, not mine." I turned around to get out of here but I something interrupted me.

"Okay," I heard him sigh. "How about you stop jumping into conclusions and date me. And then see if I'm a jerk and I'm Loki's son."

I turned around with a surprised face. "What?!" I exclaimed. "No way! Not happening here nor in Valhalla."

He walked to me, his dark figure getting taller. "Either that or I move our 'wedding' in about two weeks," he threatened. I gasped.

"You wouldn't," I growled. I didn't want to do this but I didn't want to get married to him either. "You don't even like me."

He stepped closer to me as I still put on my serious face. "I'm the chief's son," he stated. "I can get married to someone and date another girl. But're just going to be tied down."

I still stayed at my position, giving him a deathly glare. "Fine," I growled. I turned to my house and back to him. "Oh, and I have something for you."

I stepped forward and punched him in the face. A grunt was heard from him as he fell to the ground. I smirked at the second victory this night.

"What was that for?!" Hiccup asked as I placed my hand on my hips, chuckling.

"That's for making me date you."


Hey guys!

This chapter was a bit...ehhhh...XD

But, uh, at least they're going to 'date'....yay?

Anyways, I'm not kind of a mood here...I've just been in a bad situation this afternoon and I bawled my eyes out because of it...

I haven't cried since I was a baby so it was hard...)':

Uh yeah...but uh hey!

I graduated my primary school, I had my dinner dance last night, and tomorrow we're going to see BH6! Yay?

And any TNN (The Notorious Nine) readers out there?

If you haven't, I'm not telling you to read it, just skip this part because this is private coversation XD

Anyways, TNN readers, the sequel is coming out in about 2 more days! :O :O :O I KNOW!!! I am so excited :D

Anyways, hope you like it!

This is xxwhoareyouoo and I'm going to...

Peace out!

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