Chapter Four: 'Deadly...Just Like Me'

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Chapter Four: 'Deadly...Just Like Me'

"Okay guys, today we will cover"-I then saw Astrid come in, unsure of she's supposed to be here-"Ahh, Astrid, glad you could make it," I greeted as the rest of the class I was teaching turned to meet her. "But we start at 9 sharp."

Astrid looked at me coldly as she did to the rest of the class. "Well, I do have an appointment at 5 to 10 but I decided to cut it," she stated as everyone started to mutter.

I raised an eyebrow. "And what is, young lady, the appointment about?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaned my body to one side. She gripped on her axe more and twirled it around.

"The usual," she shrugged. "Throwing axes around the forest with me imagining my enemies' faces on it." Girls started to mutter more as I heard them.

"That's so brutal."

"Does she, like, need mental help?"

"That is so not the way a girl goes."

I gave a frustrated sigh and saw Snotlout talking to a flirty manner. Well, to be honest, it's not really going good as she just gave him the cold shoulder. Tuffnut was there too...twirling her hair? What?!

"Class, I'm going to let you all go early since I have a reservation. So, you can go," I dismissed the class. The rest of the class stood up from the crates and placed them aside the academy.

The girls (who I haven't played yet) came to me. They talked to me in an annoying way and twirled their hair like that's going to get them win me. As if.

"Uh, Gang, you're staying back," I said to them as I ditched the girls off. The five turned around before getting on their dragons and nodded. "And Astrid, you're staying too."

She rolled her eyes (well, from my point of view) and sat down on one of the crates. I just gave a frustrated sigh and walked back to them.

"Why'd you called us?" Snotlout asked. "You need some muscles to help you?" he bragged, kissing his uncalled 'biceps'. I gave a blank face. Seriously, this guy can never get enough of himself.

"No actually," I answered. "Chief's orders are that we should have a private lessons to this newbie, Astrid Hofferson." I then pointed to her who was still admiring her axe.

"We get to let Astrid train a dragon? Sweet!" Snotlout cheered, fisting his hand.

Tuffnut looked disgusted for some reason. "Eew! Snotlout!" he exclaimed. Oh, that's why...that's appropriate.

"What does that mean?" Fishlegs chimed in, raising an eyebrow.

"You don't know?!" Ruffnut exclaimed. "It means-"

"Alright!" I interjected. "First of all, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, grow up."

They gave a mischevious grin which I don't like. The twins. The Thorston Twins everyone...

"Second, Fishlegs"-I looked at him-"you don't want to know," I continued. "And last, yes Snotlout. But Astrid's not going to take lessons with the others since this is the chief's orders."

"Cool," Snotlout nodded. "But I get to spend time with her more since she's going to fall in love with me." He then pointed his thumbs to himself like he just won the Thawfest.

I just shook my head and walked over to Astrid. "Uh, we're ready for you," I informed. She merely nodded and sat up. "Oh, and leave the axe. It'll scare them."

She raised an eyebrow but complied with me. "What do you mean it'll scare them? Who's them?" she asked, wondering what was going on. I just walked back to the pens along with the others.

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