Chapter Eighteen: Icy, Cold and Hard Glare

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Chapter Eighteen: Icy, Cold and Hard Glare

She comes in with a gust of wind blowing into the Hall. Candle flames flickered as some people quieted down to see who made the flickered flames. The rest went on to their business, not even realising what was happening. She closed the doors and walked to the table of where the food was prepped. Now people are going back to their business.

I silently stood up from the group, not noticing the people on the table and keeping my eyes on her. I can't change my gaze off her because she is so damn hot. What am I even saying?! She's hot? I can't keep my eyes off of her? I said I love her? What is wrong with you Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third?! I silently slumped down on the bench and watched her get food and look over at the tables, probably wondering where she's going to sit.

"Aren't you going to invite her to sit with us?" Snotlout asked, knowing my moves to get a girl. First, I invite her to our table. Second, impress her then make my move. But at the moment, I couldn't handle myself. Yeah Hiccup, aren't you going to invite her over? my conscious asked.

"Hiccup?" Tuffnut shouted in my ear, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I think he died. If he is, I call dibs on Toothless!"

"Hey! I wanted to have Toothless!" Ruffnut exclaimed. 

I chuckled and shook my head. "No one is going to have Toothless except me," I spoke up and looked at them. "What were you saying again?"

"Oh, Snotlout invited Astrid over," Fishlegs replied. "She's coming"

I widened my eyes and looked over at Snotlout and Astrid walking towards our table. "Shit!" I exclaimed and ruffled my hair. Both the twins chuckled while Fishlegs lectured me about language. Soon, Snotlout and Astrid came halt into our table. 

Everyone was silent, even me. I'm speechless.

"Hi," Astrid first spoke up, waving softly at us. The others looked at each other and waved back while  stared at her. Unfortunately, she caught my gaze and replied back with disgustingness and a hint of sadness. Wait, sadness? Why is she sad? Because I said the word 'love' to her? Because she's upset that I kissed Mista?


What if she is upset because I kissed Mista? That means that she likes me. Maybe even love me. I might even have a chance here!

"Hiccup!" Ruffnut shouted again. "I swear to Freyja he is going to die when he is too deep in this thoughts." She shook her head as Snotlout, Tuffnut and Fishlegs chuckled. 

"That is not true," I spoke to her. "And stop shouting or else you'll make everyone deaf." Just then, Astrid did the most surprising thing. She sat next to me. Astrid Hofferson just sat- Wait, why the fuck am I so excited of her sitting next to me?

"So you all coming later tonight?" Snotlout asked as he held up his lamb leg. "There's mead and they said we can have some."

"Yeah," the twins chuckled, high fiving each other as Fishlegs was unsure about this.

"What's going on tonight?" Astrid asked casually as she ate her food...not much ladylike, more like Ruffnut like but...more her. I smiled softly at that. WOAH! When did I smile when a girl eats her food?

Snotlout looked at her. "Maybe Hiccup can tell you," he nodded at me. I sighed at him. 

"Silent...Well not anymore silent Sven is throwing some birthday party for his sheep..." I shrugged, not knowing why we have to celebrate a sheep's birthday.

"Correction, it's the black sheep's birthday," Fishlegs stated. "He thinks that his sheep should have a birthday party...even though we don't even know his real birthday." 

"So you coming?" I turned to Astrid and asked her. "Everyone's coming."

She was silent for a minute and suddenly nodded. "Sure, I'll be there." We all smiled.


=A S T R I D=

Hiccup and I stumbled out of the Hall, giggling as if something were very funny. Well...I think there is something very funny. We stepped down the steps (more like fall down) and still giggling. We sounded like Terrible Terrors having too much dragon nip. 

"Son," Stoick the big chief, who looks like he ate a Monstrous Nightmare, called put with Valka behind him. "Where are you going?"

We turned around to them and found Hiccup's parents. "Why...hello, daad," Hiccup squeaked, waving his hand in a peculiar pattern. I giggled as my mind was very dizzy. While he talked to them, I found a cool thing. I walked over to it and looked at it.

"Hiccy, look at this!" I exclaimed, bending over at the bucket. I giggled more. "This unique and pastique." (A/N: I know not a word but hey...they're...drunk)

"Indeed..." Hiccup said in a low voice as he walked over to me. He was stroking his chin with his fingers. "" We gagged and suddenly vomited in the bucket. It tasted awful! 

Then, Hiccup's parents took us off after we vomited. "I think you two need to sleep it off," Valka stated.

"B-But....the night is young!" Hiccup whined. While his parents lectured about going home and  relax, I found another thing which was the best thing I found.

"Oooo!" I squeaked as I looked at the Terrible Terror. "Lookie at this Hiccy. It is the great dragon!" 

"It's it, it's it, lemme look," Hiccup said as he gently pushed me aside to look. "Ahh, it's it. Ha-namaste." He bowed down, face nearly on the ground then pulled up. I followed him. 

"Ha-namaste," I copied and bowed down too. After we kept doing that, my head got more dizzy then soon my vision was blacking out. Next, I couldn't see anything but blackness.



Oh sorry if I'm being too loud! It's Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Snoggletog!! 

Anyway, finally updated and this is the chapter where the one shot was originated. I did pull things out here and there but the main parts are there for you guys :)

I think this book only has...uhm three to four chapters left's nearly ending! :O

It has been so long since I updated this so I made sure it still has the amazing bits on it since I'm a bit rusty at writing.

That's all for now. Happy Snoggletog everyone! 

Anyways, hope you like it!

This is xxwhoareyouoo and I'm going to...

Peace out!

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