Chapter Fifteen: Unrevealing

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Chapter Fifteen: Unrevealing

= A S T R I D =

For the past years of my life, I've never had this strong feeling of someone. Not even to my parents...even though I have never even thought of them until eighteen years ago. They weren't there for me, they just left... I was just six years of age! Who would want themselves be an orphan because your parents left you for good but without getting an arrange marriage with this...hiccup before going.

Sighing softly, I looked outwards at the night. I bet you it's already midnight because of how high up the moon is and how there is barely any light from the sun. The people on Berk would probably sleeping a the moment with their dragons also. I looked back at the crackling fire that kept us warm tonight.

After we crash landed on the freezing cold pond when Toothless lost control of his tail because Hiccup didn't see it, he helped me up back to the tower where the fire was still flaming up when I was here a couple of hours ago, crying. I had a draped long blanket that he gave to me to keep me warm even though he was also freezing. He was so sweet and so caring. I never knew he was like this.

"Here," Hiccup snapped me out of my thoughts, handing me a cooked fish on a stick that he caught out on the sea while he made me stay here and warm up instead of helping him. I smiled softly and took the stick and started devouring it. I didn't have dinner today know. "Warm enough?"

I looked at him. "The question is are you warm?" I asked. "You've got nothing but your soaked, wet clothes." I pointed at them that stuck by his body. Every curve was covered in thin layer of his clothes that it looked like someone glued it to him. "Is this even normal for you? Freezing to death?"

"You get used to it," he shrugged, showing his signature cocky smile. His eyes glistened from the flame of the fire. "Berk snows nine months a year and hails the other three, you would get used to the freezing conditions."

I shrugged also. "But still," I persuaded. I moved closer to him and gave him some of the long blanket he gave me, making us share and sit closer. I didn't know why I did that but it was an instinct. I also laid my head on his shoulder and we shared our food with each other. 

I didn't know where this sudden instinct to be close to him by a millimetre. It was just I the kiss we had. I had anticipated that we were moving too fast but I didn't think so. The kiss, also, was...something I can't pinpoint. It was something I have never had with Eske. I was addicted to it though; I don't know why. I looked at his face, the way he smiles, talk and the gesture of his hands while he talks. He wasn't the playboy I met weeks ago. It was another Hiccup.


Groaning, I woke up as I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. My tousled hair was thrown around me as I sat up from my bed with the sun shining down on Berk from my window. My bed creaked as always as I looked around my bedroom.

Wait. Bedroom? Bed? Home?

How did I get here? Last thing I know, I was in the watch tower last night with a blanket draped over me and Hiccup, my head laid down on his broad shoulder as we ate our late dinner and talked after we crashed landed on the freezing pond. Another thing, we also kissed...

My fingertips hovered above my lips, reviving the night when we kissed, his warm lips on mine. I remembered that I also saw a whole new Hiccup that I have never known. I thought he was his arrogant jerk that girls tend to drool over but he wasn't that, at all.

Coming downstairs, I saw my uncle drinking himself a bowl of soup with some bread. "Morning," was his greeting everyday. I nod to him, fixing myself up for the day and getting some food in the pot. "How come you were late in last night?"

I looked up from my soup to him. "I didn't even know I was back here at the house," I answered truthfully. "All I know that I was with Hiccup."

"Oh, right," he nodded. "He bought you in, since you were sleeping in his arms. Such a good viking he is. No wonder he managed to conquer a Night Fury. And he's also going to conquer the shield maiden on the whole archipelago."

I bit my lip. I forgot about the arranged marriage. We never really talked about it since none of us brang the subject up. It was like a forbidden thing for us to say since we were really never fond of marriages. I mean, marriage is a good thing but not arranged ones where you have no choice but to forfeit or find someone else you're in love with. And in my case, I have no one in particular.

Rising up from my seat, I walked out without any words to my uncle and walked to Stormfly's stable. I gave her a soft greeting and gave her favourite food, chicken. Apparently, Deadly Nadders love chicken and it also makes them energetic. Mounting her after we had our little conversation, we flew off and overviewed Berk. 

It was a chilly morning which made it a good weather to fly on. I closed my eyes and ravished the cool, chilly breeze that came to us. After a while, I opened my eyes to see where Stormfly has bought me and it looked like we were in the forest. We landed and I saw a secret entrance to something.

That's weird, I thought but it also looks cool. I went inside to see a whole like kind of cave but there was no roof. There was a waterfall that led into a pond. Huh, the pond. Like the pond last night Hiccup and I crashed into.

Stop thinking about him! For the love of Thor!

I rolled my eyes at my subconscious and went inside with my dragon silently following me. My eyes traveled all around the open cave. It was like a paradise. It was so perfect to just sit, relax and forget everything that has happened for a while. But, by Odin's fate, I couldn't do all those. I can't forget something that has happened because when I saw the two most people I hated, they were there.

It was Hiccup and Mista.

They were on a rock.

With their faces near each other.

And they were kissing.



OH NO! NO NO NO! :O I bet that's what you're thinking now XD

Or maybe just...yeah whatever.

But if your expression was nothing, do you even ship Hiccstrid?

Believe me, I didn't want both of them kissing but I had to because you'll see the next chapter ;) it will be all clear.

I had to have to take a break when I wrote the last part so I can calm down. I really wanted to back out from doing that but it had to be done. IT HAD TO BE DONE! XD

Hope you like it!

This is xxwhoareyouoo and I'm going to...

Peace out!

But...The Night Is Young!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن