Cassandra Greengrass spoke next. "We -all of us- will be subjected to very bad response by practically the whole school for the next couple of days due to this incident." Here she glared at him again. "So every Slytherin will travel in groups of no less than five, except our dear Snape, of course." A sickly sweet smile graced her face. "Considering you were able to perform an entail expelling curse, I am sure defending yourself against other unsavoury spells will be all too easy for you."

Severus stayed silent, knowing it would only be worse for him to speak.

"Looks like he has a brain after all!" Dennis Yaxley chuckled.

"If only he could use it more often." Penelope Rowle mused, a sneer prominent on her face.

Severus continued to stay quiet as everybody laughed at him.

The Common Room door opened once again, revealing Lucius Malfoy. For once, the Malfoy heir didn't look as prim and proper as always. His outer black school robes were missing, and his uniform was sporadically stained red. There was even a slob of blood on his face. The King of Slytherin held a cold on his handsome face. His gaze was frigid and his face was expressionless except the sneer that was seen on his countenance. Thomas Nott slipped inside the Common Room from behind him, sneered at Severus and then proceeded to stand beside Rabastan  Lestrange.

The Slytherins stood still and silent, as they expectantly waited for their King to give them orders.

"As you all know, there was an incident earlier." Lucius Malfoy spoke, his voice as cool as the artic circle. "The Blacks are taking a temporary leave from the Court, and they will not be replaced. For now, the Ruler's Voice Act will be in motion. Which means that until the Queen returns, you will all listen to me, and me only. I will dictate what you think, what you say and how you act. Go against me, and I will also decide how many limbs of your body  should be torn apart and for how many days." He said coldly. "Alright?"

Everybody nodded.

"Everybody travel together, we don't want any unwanted attacks." Lucius Malfoy continued. "And a person will be assigned for each group as follow, to make sure that they do not disobey. Feel free to use force in order to implement this Act. Johnathan Flint, seventh year boys. Cassandra Greengrass, seventh year girls. Nathanial Crabbe, sixth year boys. Penelope Rowle, Sixth year girls. Theodore Nott, fifth year boys. Valarie Bulstroad, fifth year girls. Henry Flint, forth year boys. Katherine Fawley, forth year girls. Dennis Yaxley, third year boys. Septima Shafiq, third year girls. Patrick Parkinson, second year boys. Fiona Fortensque, second year girls. George Goyle, first year boys and Melanie Carmicheal, first year girls." He assigned.

Severus did not recognise any of the new names, but looking at the nodding faces, he could tell that all of them were either seventh or sixth years. George Goyle was the biggest and physically, the strongest out of all the Slytherins -and possibly Hogwarts- and was assigned to enforce the rule on the first years boys.

"They will make sure you follow the rules. Any complaints, tell the person assigned to your group and they will pass it on to me. I will also communicate to you all through them. Understood?" Lucius Malfoy said.

Everybody shouted "Yes."

Lucius Malfoy nodded curtly, before focussing his artic cool gaze on Severus. "I am saying this for your own good, stay in the common room. None of us will protect you or avenge you if you step out and somebody hurts you. You brought this upon yourself. I will ask Slughorn to send you your dinner here. If you leave this room, then I guarantee that you will be attacked."

Severus felt angry. "I thought Slytherins stick together." He spat.

Lucius Malfoy looked at him like he was dirt below his handmade, expensive, Italian leather shoes. "And I thought that Slytherins were supposed to be smart." He retorted, earning laughs from around the room. "You brought this upon yourself." He repeated. "And I am giving you the best option available, but if you want to step out of the common room, then please; Be my guest."

Severus stayed silent again.

"Pathetic." Lucius Malfoy sneered at him. "It is because of you that three-fourths of the school will now focus their eire on Slytherins. I hope your revenge was worth it." He mocked.

"It was." Severus snapped, not realising the words that had left his mouth. But at that moment, all he had wanted to do was wipe that look on Malfoy's face.

Lucius Malfoy lifted a pale eyebrow before smirking. "You know, in a couple of days, you will be called in front of the Wizengamot and as one of the many, many witnesses, I will be called forward to give my testimony. I will be sure to give them this memory during your trial." He promised, before sneering once again. "On your first day, we told you all that the Slytherin Common Room is a safe heaven for every snake and we will continue to always stand by it. But leave this safety, Snape, and I cannot assure you that I myself, would not test out some curses that I have been wanting to try." The corners of his lips curled upwards in an almost sadistic manner as he said this, making many of the snakes nod in agreement.

Severus had taken the life -or almost, nobody was sure now- of a pureblood heir whose older sister ruled the House of Slytherin and whose cousins comprised a noteworthy quantity of the Court. This action of them telling him to stay inside and providing food was probably -and most likely- the only mercy he would receive from them.

"Get out of my sight." Lucius Malfoy sneered.

Severus nodded slowly and walked towards the dorms. He was 'accidentally' tripped at least four times on his way.

The Slytherin Common Room had many books about law -which they were encouraged to learn- and Severus was happy and relieved about that. Severus needed to know more about them. He needed to see if there was any loop-hole in that Meghalugue's Act that Parkinson mentioned. He needed to see if there was any way he could get out of this.

Please Merlin, let Sirius Black be alive!

It would be his only hope, because there is no way he can expect any mercy from the ruthless, blood-thirsty family that comprised of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. 

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