🌹 The Good of the Guild

Start from the beginning

   "Something we can actually agree on, flame-brain," Gray's low voice commented.

Nothing was said after that, leaving the room in a painful silence that almost sent her insane. 

Gabbriel fell into a fitful sleep that early morning, the words of Natsu's and Gray's floating around her head.


Gajeel woke up the next morning slowly. The light was shining brightly through the window and he could hear the people outside chatter like always. It took a moment to remember that he was in the living room, with other people surrounding him. 

As if Natsu's snoring wasn't a loud enough clue. 

His red eyes ran over everyone in the room, his heart thumping a bit more when he saw Levy curled into his side, before noting something odd. 

Gabbriel was next to him. 

  She's probably in her room.   Gajeel reasoned in his mind, slowly untangling himself from Levy's form and trying not to wake Wendy next to her. His heart pounded in his chest before he let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding. The two girls were still asleep. 

His studded eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw Gabbey's door wide open. Creeping over the sleeping bodies, he checked her room.

No one was there. 

The next place to look would be the bathroom, she could be taking a shower, but the water wasn't running and the door wasn't cracked. 

Where could Gabbey be?

   "She's gone."

Gajeel's head snapped over to the small kitchen they had, only to see Daella's sandy color fur sitting on the counter tops. A small white paper was in her paws. 

   "Whattya mean?" Gajeel grumbled through his morning voice, walking closer. Daella's pink eyes didn't move from the spot she was staring a hole into, her gaze seemingly dull and lifeless. 

   "She's gone." Daella repeated, this time holding out the paper with shaky hands. Gajeel took the sheet of paper, red eyes scanning over the cursive writing that he knew was his twin. It wasn't a long written note, just two sentences. 

There's something I must do.
~Gabbriel R.

   "Wake the others up," Gajeel demanded the Exceed, slamming the paper down on the counter Daella wasn't sitting on. "I'll see if she's still in town or something."

Not waiting for another word, Gajeel dashed out the front door, in hopes of finding his twin before she was really gone.


Gabbriel really didn't fall asleep for long. An hour or two, at the least, before she decided on what to do. 

Stay and let the guild - that has no relations with the current problem - get hurt  or  go and take down Serpents herself. 

And really, she didn't even make a choice when she walked out of her shared apartment with Gajeel. She walked Magnolia, watching as the early risers got ready for the day and open their shops up. She visited with a friend, who gave her the best advise she could receive, before finally choosing. 

Gabbriel Redfox was going to take down Serpents if it was the very last thing she did. 

In order to do that, though, Gabbey had to say one last goodbye. 

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