Past[The one place I hate the most]

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Cameroon could feel his hands tremble at his side as he tightly squeezed his fist.

He could feel his throat close up, could feel his breath escape him, puff by puff, all of the oxygen deciding to leave him on his own with nothing but suffocating humidified stuffy air to choke on.

He couldn't get his lungs to cooperate and he couldn't get his heart to stop thumping that hard.

Why? Why him? Why today? Why this place?

The familiar walls mocked him, the familiar imperfect and chipped paint, the familiar eyes, those pitiful eyes that always looked at him with pity, it's just that today the looks were more evident, more bold, more sympathetic and more nerve-wracking.

"Why is everyone looking at us Camy?" The innocent girl Cameroon held strongly in his grip asked, her big doe eyes staring up at him with enough fear in her eyes for all of them.

He couldn't afford to be afraid right now. Today of all days, he had to be strong, he had to be the strong rock that his family needed right then. The stronger brother Cara needed.

"Camy, what is happening?" Cara asked again, this time her voice was more shaky and high pitched and that was enough to snap Cameroon out of whatever head space he was stuck in.

He gripped his sister's small palm tighter and pulled her smaller and shorter body flush against his.

"Mom is just sick Car, really sick and we're going to see her. Is that okay?" The older boy asked his little sister who nodded rapidly and then the older guy was hugging his baby sister close while he fought with pushing his own tears back.

They were almost the same age but Cameroon looked way older, maybe it was because he understood that he was seeing his mother for the last time, maybe it was because only one of them was meant to be naive and innocent and that was clearly not him but he then kissed his sister's temple and then pulled her behind him as he made his way to see his mother.

For the last time.

To say goodbye.

My Porcelain Queen[Boyxboy] [[ON HOLD]]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin