3[Kylain Hunters]

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Kylain sat in his car, the windows rolled down so that the grey-ish clouds of smoke his lips emitted could escape but not before leaving their strong stench that would probably suffocate him until he brought a new packet since he was remaining with the half finished stick pinched between his thumb, fore finger and middle one and it was also the last one of the five he had gotten from 'weird guy' Cameroon and this made him think hard as he recalled their interaction.

He knew Cameroon, in a way that Kylain didn't understand since their eyes always met, it was a pull that he didn't understand, it made him tingle as though someone was looking at him and when he turned it was always the same guy, leaning at a locker, seated in the back of the class or watching him as he practiced and when they had a game. Now that he thought about it, it sounded creepy but it also made him realize he always did the same thing.

The guy was indeed weird, he was absent almost all the time, sometimes all day but present when Kylain was practicing, sometimes he came to class and left after one hour or two and sometimes he came to class right as they were going home and it always surprised Kylain how most teachers never complained. The guy was practically a genius, Kylain had never seen him study or pay attention in class and he always came first without breaking a sweat so maybe that's why the teachers never commented on his extreme absence or maybe it was to prevent themselves from facing the wrath of Cameroon's anger.

Cameroon was an interesting person, he was weird when he was staring at Kylain like he was the most interesting thing in the room than the teacher teaching, he was quiet, he was a loner, he was a party animal and this Kylain had witnessed, Cameroon was a slut, he was an angry bad boy that smoked in the school basement and beat up bullies. He was fascinating and the slight interest he aroused from Kylain was something Kylain forced himself to ignore so as Kylain thought about this he inhaled heavily, filling his lungs with smoke until it burned before exhaling the smoke from his nose watching the smoke swirl around him with half lidded eyes.

He saw Blake walk over to his car and he quickly stuck the lighted stick on his wrist watching in fascination as the pale skin there reddened, the stinging pain satisfying him in a way only him was able to understand. He then threw the now useless fag out the window as Blake opened the car door and securing himself in the front seat without a word and this brought a frown across Kylain's bored face because Blake was never quiet.

"What happened?" Kylain asked boredly and half heartedly even though he was dying to know what was wrong with his best friend but he was shit with emotions so you took what he was able to offer and Kylain asking what had happened was a lot even Blake turned to stare at him with wide eyes.

"Oh! It's nothing man just some shit about my grades and basketball. Did you know that apparently.." Blake had once gain started rumbling but something else stole Kylain's attention as he watched Cameroon and Cara Mitchell, a cheerleader that was probably the most popular girl in their school talking, actually they looked like they were arguing heatedly and that made him more curious than he wanted to be.

"We won't be able to play" Blake finished his rumble and the last words made Kylain tense in his seat.

"What did you just say?" Kylain asked the boy that was looking at him with wide eyes.

"Jesus Ky! You weren't even listening" Blake mumbled as he rolled his eyes and Kylain waited patiently for him to start talking again. Blake never let down a chance at talking.

"Coach just told me that I won't be playing this year if my grades are low and you would think since I'm his son he would treat me differently " Blake whined.

"But I get lower grades than you" Kylain said and Blake rolled his eyes muttering a silent "Duh".

"Nope! That can't happen, the team needs me" Kylain mumbled probably to convince himself but the next words Blake said made him furious.

"Dude, the principal suggested this and apparently the athletes' parents were complaining about our inability to attend college so here we are" Blake finished and Kylain's fists clenched around the steering wheel tightly.

"Man, You look like a bull right now" Blake said and Kylain just glared at him which shut him up before driving off to home with one thought in his head.

'I am going to kill my father'


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