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The loud booming sounds the ball emitted when dribbled on the smooth pavement echoed magnificently in the crowed arena, the squeaky sounds the sneakers made when there was any sort of friction resonated through the crowd wildly.

The sweat, the heavy breathing, the panting, the adrenaline cursing through his veins made kylain look like a Greek God.

He looked like something supernatural, something that wouldn't allow you to stare at anything else other than itself. Something you wouldn't dare move your eyes away from.

The center of all the attention.

He looked like someone on the cover of a vogue magazine. The type of cover you'd look at and be like 'too pretty' or 'edited'. He looked that unreal and breathtaking.

His pale smooth sweaty skin looked like glowed under the merciless rays and heat of the blazing sun. His drenched thin whittish and grayish hair stuck onto his forehead as beads of sweat rolled from his temple to his defined cheekbones, down his straight pointy nose and got lost on his thick plump purplish lips.

Yes you heard right. They were a dark luscious purple. Smoking nicotine did that to you.

Everyone one watching the game held their breath. This was it, the moment that everyone from both CrestPark and CornerRock high schools were eagerly waiting for. The moment that defined which part of the arena would scream in joy. For 3 years it had been the right side, the part filled with CrestPark students and that had started the exact 3 years ago when Kylain joined both the school and the basketball team.

The scoreboard read Crestpark 41 vs Cornerrock 42.
You couldn't hear the noise of the spectator's thumping hearts but the you could gear the buzz of uneven breathing of the arena's spectators as the silence of their anticipation crawled through the court.

Among the sea of CrestPark students, sat an enormous bag of heavy limbs. Cameroon sat in the far corner. You'd wonder what the boy was doing sitting in the blazing hot sun when he hadn't come to watch the game but if you bothered looking closer, you'd realize he was more observant than everyone else-Even more observant than the teenagers on the front rows.

Cameroon too was struggling with looking at anyone or anything else, he was pretty sure he wasn't even paying attention to the game rather to the mesmerizing boy that outshined everything near him.

Cameroon's narrowed black orbs caught the determination and wildness that flashed through Kylain's blue eyes, he saw the clenching of Kylain's teeth on his soft jawline, the increase in the way his chest rose as he ran graciously and stole the ball from a tall but more muscular guy of the opposite team.

Cameroon's senses hightened as all his attention revolved around the one guy he wanted to tear his eyes away from but he found himself brows frowned, eyes narrowed, lips in a tight thin line and breath held as the captain of CornerRock appeared in Kylain's way intending to slow him down since only in a minute, the game would end and then his team would depart with victory for once after three years of losing to this same guy.

Cameroon frowned harder as his eyes left kylain for a second to glare at the scoreboard but in that same second their crowd erupted in cheer and his eyes went back to the pitch and he watched kylain run as fast as his legs could, he watched as kylain hopped thrice rising high in the air, knocking the ball in the hoop and dangling on it then proudly falling on his feet.

Cameroon's eyes stayed on the guy, the screams of victory and the whistle signalling the end of the game didn't halt his gaze and he watched as the cheers made Kylain's body shudder in satisfication but the exhausted boy bit his lip forcing a big smile off his face.

Cameroon's eyes glared hard at the white teeth locked on kylain's purplish flesh, something about Kylain biting his lip made his abdomen tighten leaving a tingling feeling down his spine. His knee bobbed up and down and his heart kept pounding against his ribcage. He hadn't realised when he had held his breath so when his chest tightened achingly, he breathed out as hard as he could and he found himself panting then just like all the times before, like every other game. Kylain turned his now empty gaze to Cameroon obsidian eyes and they made eye contact.

Kylain didn't know why everytime he felt compelled to look up, almost like a scarred ritual, one that had started on his first game when he had felt eyes on himself the whole game, eyes too intense that he had looked up at the far end corner and caught the staring guy and just like always his eyes found and locked on Cameroon's then his 'not' so called friend clenched his teeth and with an equally empty expression, he stood up from his seat and his huge body left the arena.

Kylain breathed in and out slowly as if advising his pounding heart to calm down and just like Cameroon, his tall lean body made it's way to the locker rooms.


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