4[Cameroon Mitchell]

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It was a Monday and surprisingly Cameroon sat in class, earlier than most students and Mr. Matthews, his biology teacher almost had a heart attack once he entered the classroom he expected to find empty only to find Cameroon himself seated there. The student's intense eyes were staring impatiently at the door as his legs kept bouncing creating uncomfortable noise that the teacher didn't dare to comment about as he took a seat at his desk.

Cameroon was escastic, maybe his face was poor at showing the tingling feeling running up and down his body but he sure was something other than his angry normal self, even the older man in the room would peak occasional glances at Cameroon. and he could tell the guy was eager and judging by his eyes that were strained in anticipation at the door, the teacher concluded that Cameron was waiting for someone and even he was curious beacuse 'Who the hell made Cameroon Mitchell nervous?' To Cameroon the answer would be simple.

'Kylain hunters'

Cameroon was a guy that fought with thinking, he hated when his mind worked, hated when memories resurfaced and definitely roathed when his regrets wore off his mind so he looked for distractions and in the midst of that he had found the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and that was Kylain, the only thing he allowed his mind to work upon. Cameroon found a small amount of people attractive but he sure couldn't explain his infatuation with the guy but he knew this.

Kylain was pretty, the prettiest human he had ever seen. Kylain was tall, his body was femininitly curved and said guy tried his best to hide this under his careless oversided clothes. Kylain's head was a thin mop of dyed white hair and since this day Cameroon couldn't tell which colour the roots were since the guy seemed kin on keeping his hair that way. Kylain bit his nails, he bit his lips often, his shoulders shook when he laughed but he was also kin on keeping his smile hidden and the little times Cameroon had witnessed the said smile because he was always observing the guy, he couldn't get enough because when Kylain smiled, it was only then when Kylian smiled that Cameroon's brain shut down and all he could think about was how breathtaking and mesmerizing Kylain was. His three year old crush.

It was a hilarious reality to him but it was something he couldn't change ever since the first time he had saw Cameroon. It had happened three years ago when the Hunters had moved in town and were the new talk of the town and just like every other fourteen year old teenager Cameroon was curious and he could clearly remember their eyes meeting for the first time as he cycled past their mansion and just like that something had been triggered inside him and since then his infatuation with Kylain never left until he learned that he found the beautiful boy attractive, pretty, cute and adorable and most of all he finally understood why he felt this feeling for male boy not a girl and here he was sitting impatiently in class with only one thought in mind.

'Kylain Hunters! It's about time'

Today, Cameroon was going to approach the pretty boy, the boy far up the popular ladder that he was just a God at this point. The boy that had fucked almost every female specie in the school. The boy that was captain of the basketball team. The boy whose father was Edgar Hunters, pretty much the richest kid at school.

The boy that Cameroon had dreams about.

The boy that Cameroon was in love with.

"Finally you grace us peasants with your presence your majesty" Cara snapped Cameroon out of his thoughts with her snarky comment and looking around the classroom, Cameroon realized the class was half full but Kylain was still nowhere to be seen and so was his loud tall friend.

Cameroon turned and glared at his glaring sister for a second before directing his eyes back to the door. Yes, Cara and him were related even though not a single soul at their school knew about this and it wasn't because Cara was embarrassed of him or vice versa, actually they loved each other since it was all they had but they just weren't close enough anymore hence bonding over glares and harsh words that were barked at each other with the little love they were left with to express.

"Fuck off Car and stop fucking staring you pervert" Cameroon snapped and a few heads that had turned to stare all turned back the second he directed his glare and he bathed in satisfaction at his sister's grossed out face so he smirked at her and she just huffed and turned her attention else where.

When the teacher finally decided it was time to start his lesson, Kylain burged in and all Cameroon could feel was his stomach muscles knotting up as the other made him feel crazy once again. Today, his hair was income and messy, bags weighing lack of sleep under his eyes and he kept liking and biting his lips anxiously and all Cameroon wanted to do then was just hug the slightly smaller guy to himself and kiss him senselessly.

"Mr. Hunters, You realize you're late, right?" Our biology teacher asked strictly but this was Kylain we were talking about, the guy would shoot a teacher and it would be dismissed as an accident.

"I'm sorry sir!" Kylain boredly mumbled the words and if Cameroon didn't know better he would have thought the guy was high so he dismissed it as tiredness and this caused the taller boy's brows to crease in concern but he denied himself time for his brain to actually think of all the reasons that would make Kylain Hunters tired so he directed his eyes down on his open blank notebook and decided to stetch whatever image that came first to his mind because he needed a distraction and that happened to be Kylain's hair. God, he was whipped.


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My Porcelain Queen[Boyxboy] [[ON HOLD]]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora