5[Kylain Hunters]

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Writing Kylain is so hard. He is a complicated character and I know a lot of you will be confused or annoyed so please bare with my cutie. That's just the way he is.



Kylain walked into the house and once again he was greeted by silence that always welcomed him once he reached the confines of his home, If he could even call the huge house that. His father was not away, he knew that so his anger was still loaded, his body seething and he couldn't wait for the moment his father's pulled up to march out and talk his ears off.

Kylain was a simple person, his father was a busy man that wanted to curve Kylain into his own statue, design him like himself. He practically wanted Kylain to be him and that was a lost cause and his father had learnt that the hardway still his father didn't give up. He wanted his son to be worshipped and that's what happened. Even though Kylain was a respectful person to begin with, his father had made sure every teacher and student knew his last name hence the different treatment he received sometimes and though this caressed his ego and made him feel superior, it also made him loathe his father even more because it made Kylain feel like he was nothing without Hunters as a last name.

His father didn't ask much but the little he wanted, Kylain wasn't able to give because he was so different from his father. The man was the epitome of masculinity while Kylain would pretty much be called a girl if he didn't put a lot of effort in appearing masculine. His father was a book worm, a scholar, to him studying was a passion while to Kylain, reading a whole page of anything was almost poisonous. He was lazy while his father was active, he was athletic, he couldn't score a C to save his life so all in all, he was everything his father didn't want him to be so they were pretty much strangers by now that lived under the same roof and the only time they acknowledged each other was when Kylain was complaining about something or when his father was forcing him to do some snobby thing or dragging him to those snobbish parties. God, how he hated them.

Kylain's mother was another story, one he hated thinking about, the woman had abandoned them even though she was still in the picture. Some where between the time his father was learning that his only son was a failure, his wife decided to give up on building the family she was so good at keeping together. Kylain didn't know when it all went wrong but one day he realized his mother was so gone, replaced by a snobby, careless drunkard and then she had started "traveling the world" which to Kylain was an excuse for cheating on his father and running away from the burden of taking care of her own 'different' (as she had called him once) son so all in all the last time Kylain had seen his mother sober and home was a long time ago.

The headlights of his father's car hit his face and he pushed the glass of water aside and stood up from the kitchen counter stool. It was so late and he was tired but he wanted to comfort his father who Kylain was sure had something to do with the grade thing Blake had told him about. The man opened the door and once the automatic lights lit up the kitchen his father jumped, clearly expecting his son to be asleep by 1:00am in the morning.

"I'm not in the mood for this Kylain. Go to bed" The exhausted man rasped out and Kylain wasn't even surprised when the man poured himself some whiskey instead of some tea or water. That was the Hunters family for you.

"Do you want me to quit basketball that much?" Kylain ignored his words and asked the question instead. He understood his father's hate for his failure in his son but the man went to far this time. Basketball was Kyalin's life. Pretty much the only thing that kept him sane and if his father wanted Kylain to quit basketball then the man really wanted his son to always be miserable.

"I just want you get into a nice college" His father answered and Kylain couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"I already have six fucking scholarships and that's what you're going to pull. Try harder" Kylain said angrily and he could tell his father was on the verge of losing his cool too.

"Kylain. I'm looking out for you. No son of mine will go to college on some stupid pathetic scholarship. Get that in your fucking head you ungrateful son of a bitch" His father yelled and Kylain could feel his own temper rising.

"No, You're the one who should get this in your fucking head. I'm your only son and in case you've forgotten. I'm no Einstein so get this through your thick skull. I'm not quitting basketball and if you insist then I'm dropping out of highschool then we'll see about that" Kylain yelled and his body trembled as his anger triggered so much emotions and he tried his best to make sure his father didn't see the tears that now danced on his eye lids threatening him with the embarrassment of falling so he turned to march up to his room but his father gripped his elbows and the disgusted look in his father's eyes made Kylain tremble harder.

"This, whatever you've become is disgusting. Worse than when you wanted to be a fag" The words were spit at him with enough venom to make the heavy tears spill and all Kylain could do was pull his arm out of his father's tight grip and hurriedly march up to his room where he rushed to the bathroom and frantically opened the cupboard, retrieving the yellowish cup of pills that he had gone long without opening but today he was so emotional and he was remembering a lot of things so he didn't think clearly when he opened the bottle and swallowed two of the white small pills.

It was at 2:04am when Kylain was able to close his heavy eyelids as the drugs consumed him and since his liquid legs couldn't reach the bed, he moved his heavy limbs, trying to find a comfortable position on carpeted floor and finally he settled on lying on his stomach before drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

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