6[Cameroon Mitchell]

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Cameroon blinked once and then twice and his eyes met with Cara's whose eyes were wide as if she couldn't believe what was happening and so did Cameroon. He couldn't believe his ears.

"Now I need you guys to move over to your tutor's seats and that's going to be your new seats until you show some progress. Now, Cara and your friends follow me. I want to talk to you" Mr. Matthews said as he collected his books and walked out of the room and once he disappeared out the door is when I snapped out of it and stood up from my seat following the short man outside.

We were a total of six people outside including the teacher which meant the other four plus me were supposed to tutor the athletic dumbasses that were probably going to ace high school if it wasn't for their talents and among the said dumbasses, Kylain was included and his loud friend. And for the love of God, I was given Blake to tutor so there was no way in hell I was going to tutor the dumbass.

"I'm not interested" I said once I caught up with the others and the teacher stared up at me and I stared back so he avoided my eyes and I watched in curiosity as he retrieved a paper between his books and handing it to me. I got the paper and of course it was my attendance results which were almost blank so I glared at the teacher who just shrugged at me so I just turned and walked down the hallway. Today I had studied enough. Now it was time to go to the pool room and smoke while thinking about how I was going to tutor some dumbass while my sister tutored fucking Kylain Hunters. Good job fate. Awesome job.


It was quiet down there in the pool room and Cameroon was busy taking in the sound of silence when Kylain walked into the quiet room. What Kylain didn't expect was to walk through those doors again and find Cameroon out cold. He lay on the same bench on his back, his left hand behind his head and the right one on his abdomen. The sunlight rays from the windows shone on the water and they created these baby blue small sparkles that littered his huge form. Maybe it was because Kylain was extremely tired and still high but he didn't care that this would look weird if someone saw him watching another sleeping boy, it's just that the whole thing left him hypnotized.

It's like everything around Cameroon was cooperating together to prove something. The room, the bench, the sunlight, the water. It felt like all these things wanted to prove to Kylain that Cameroon was a piece of art, a masterpiece at that. By now kylain was close enough to see the frowned brows and lips of Cameroon as if he was too angry, too guarded even in his sleep. This creature sleeping in front of Kylain was a piece of work, painted, sculptured and designed magnificently and Kylain felt the need and want to study Cameroon so badly. He wanted to understand Cameroon until he knew his meaning, his past, his reason of creation and existence. He wanted to know his edges, curves, colors, his front and behind. He wanted to drink him all in until he was satisfied. And that terrified him.

He wanted to understand Cameroon and he hadn't even heard the guy's voice yet then he was cut out of his thoughts when he reached too close to realise that Cameroon wasn't even asleep since the guy's eyes opened with no sign of sleepiness in his eyes and Kylain's breath hitched at the illusions the sunlight created in Cameroon's brown eyes.

Cameroon could feel the presence of someone in the room and he could hear the slightly heavy breathing of the said person so he opened his eyes and for the love of God, he wasn't expecting to find Kylain of all people to be standing there, his body tense as he stared intensely into Cameroon's eyes. Cameroon could feel a lot of feelings from not directing his eyes elsewhere and the crazy one of those feelings was the butterflies that tickled his chest.

When Kylain's eyes finally left his, Cameroon's watched curiosily as the other guy settled himself on the floor and laid down, closing his eyes in exhaustion.

"I hope you don't mind. I'm exhausted and this place is so quiet" Kylain mumbled sleepily and all Cameroon could do was hum and watch as the guy literally passed out in seconds and fell asleep, considering his heavy breathing.

Cameroon's eyes were still on Kylain's peaceful face two minutes later and he couldn't take his eyes off the tired boy, this close Cameroon could see the bags under Kylain's eyes clearly and something about the guy's exhaustion looked familiar to Cameroon but he pushed the thought aside and just focused more on how Kylain could look this feminine and beautiful even with the messy white hair on top of his head. His phone vibrated then in his pocket and he retrieved it and stared at Cara's name contemplating whether he should pick up or not but then he remembered his sister was supposed to tutor Kylain from now on so he picked it up and his ears were greeted by her husky but loud scream.

"OH MY GOD, Where are you? Your fuck boy is gonna be coming at our house. Are you excited? Where are you even? You should be ecstatic right now. I don't even know where he went. He just came to my seat, fucking flirted with me then zombily left the class. I think he's hangover " Kylie rumbled and I just rolled my eyes and hang up on her. Yes, am an asshole. I know.

For the rest of the day, I stayed there doing nothing but keeping my eyes on Kylain who had woken up once mumbling something about his headache and then passing out once again and to this moment, I was still wondering how he was able to sleep that comfortable on the floor but if he was actually hangover then that would explain it.

When the bell rang, I stared at his unmoving body and stabbed his ribs with my foot and once I could tell he was awake. I walked out of the room hurriedly because I wasn't about to deal with his adorable pink sleepy face. No, I wasn't ready for that.


These chapters are unedited so please bare with me. 😘

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