chapter sixteen // the coffee house.

Start from the beginning

Again, not being able to take a compliment, my cheeks flush ever-so-slightly. I can't help but to let out a small laugh.

"Thank you very much," I smile before the girl shuffles back to her table across the coffee house. "Oh my gosh, I have never been so uncomfortable in my life," I whisper to Tea and Charlie, ducking down in the booth.

Tea, still laughing over the entire incident looks around the coffee house where we have become the main point of focused. She looks more excited about it than I was anticipating. She doesn't seemed bothered by it at all. We even catch a couple people a few tables over sneaking a picture of us.

"We've been dealing with people asking about you a lot these past few days. I still have your guys' picture on the wall after your first performance and after people recognize you, they have been asking a lot of questions. I had to stop a few of the workers from letting them know where you work," Charlie explains.

Gratitude washes over me as I realize how awful it would be if people knew where I worked. I wouldn't have a second of down time. I'm sure James my boss would love to spread the word and make his business sky-rocket, but luckily Charlie knows me well.

"Maybe we shouldn't perform tonight... I'd rather just lay low," I frown to Tea, unable to help but to feel a tad disappointed.

"Hell no, let's perform!" She disagrees, "Don't let them stop you," She encourages me, being my little motivation as she has been my entire life.

I look to the packed coffee house that would have never even phased me before, now the audience looks intimidating and scary. They look ready to cast judgements the moment I screw up. And not only cast judgements on me, but on Harry as well.

"What are you so worried about kid, that they'll find you too talented?" Charlie asks, sending me a smile before leaving our table to go help the other tables.

I groan and run my fingers through my hair, biting my bottom lip. I know Tea wants to sing badly and want to sing badly, but ever since I saw all those hateful things on twitter, I've been aware of people more now.

"Who is this? The Olivia I remember never would have let anything stop her from going up there and killing it. Remember that one time LA got all that snow for the first time in history? You still made me bundle up and drive in that awful weather so we could come and sing in front of five people." Tea reminds me, sending me a smirk, knowing me better than this.

I can't help but to laugh, remembering that cold January night vividly. Tea's always been great at cheering me up, I swear she could pull me from the world's deepest depression.

I nod, getting up from my seat to stand up. Harry's words of comfort enter my brain as well. These people don't mean anything. Not everyone is going to love me and I just have to remember who's opinions actually matter to me.

"There she is," Tea laughs, wrapping an arm around my neck and giving me a tight hug.

We approach the stage, grabbing two guitars that are free to borrow for people who feel like playing for the customers. I've grown so used to these guitars, they're almost as familiar as my own. The worn-down wood feels comfortable beneath my fingers.

I blow my bangs out of my face, taking a seat on one of the stools as Tea goes and talks to Charlie, making sure everything on stage is all good to go.

"Hi everyone," i speak into the microphone. The few people that recognized me look at me with surprise, especially the girl that had taken a picture with me, "My name is Olivia and I'll be singing with my friend Tea," I explain, strumming on the guitar to be sure it's in tune.

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