• e i g h t e e n •

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That awkward moment when its 3:21 am and you have school in four hours with three tests you haven't studied for.

Anyways, I have been inspired. and I know what I want my next story to be. I haven't exactly gathered the thoughts but it'll be coming after this story.

I'm gonna now make this story more spicy, it's quite bland if you're wondering. The whole Caini stuff is reserved for later love you

It was Wednesday morning when I got the letter.

Telling me I was going to have to pay the rent or evacuate the house.

I didn't have a job and the rent was 2,000 DOLLARS.

My life has come to a stressful peak to where

1) my grades are going to slip

2) being an upcoming "singer" has taken so much of my energy

3) I had a $2000 rent to pay now.

4) my best friends are completely gone insane

I'm sure Ross could help me some way now, can't he? No, I don't mean giving me money, but...maybe giving me a place to live for a bit.

I liked the idea to be honest.

I texted Vanessa that I had to evacuate the house or pay with money I didn't have. She told me she was going to come right away.

I sighed, beginning to brew some tea, I added Nana leaves and let it to cool before pulling out chocolate biscuits. I heard a knock on the door, I took a deep breath in opening the door to find ...... Ross?

"Hey babe" He said giving me a cheeky grin.

"Uh hey, um Ross you know I adore you and all but nows not the best ti-" I didn't get to finish because Vanessa walked up to us.

"Hi, I'm Vanessa." She said.

"Ross, Laura's bf." He said a bit too casually

"Laura's sis." She replied back, he nodded slowly.

"Didn't know it was possible for Laura to have a boyfriend, she's such a geek."my sister teased. I groaned.

"Ok Ross you can stay but zip it, it would be nice to not have to tell you after again" I said bringing us all to the table, before adding another cup of tea.

"I don't do tea, princess, got liquor?"

"Ross I swear if I see alchol come as close to your lips I will dump you faster then you can say beatyoass" I warn, he smirks. Damn, his smirk is killer.

"Tea will do then." He agreed, Vanessa giggled.

"You two are so cute" she replied.

"Okay so Ross, I haven't told you yet but, I'm moving out...of this house" he looked worried and sad all at the same time as he stood up.


"Ross, I'm... I'm being evacuated in a month. And I have no where to go"

"You can live with Celeste and I!" He suggests. Thank God he suggested it, I would never myself.

"Really? Aw Ross!" I said hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek.

"Uh not cutting it princess" he said smashing our lips together, RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SISTER.

"Laura, please tell me you haven't had the Ching chong?" She asked worried, I made a discusted face.

"EW!" I cringed. Although thinking about it, it wouldn't sound too bad.... Okay shut up Laura.

"Acting like you wouldn't enjoy it" he remarked smirking.

"Um you haven't even taken me on a proper date first, so..."

"That'll be soon, babe. Sense you'll be living with me, don't trust I'll keep my hands off." He warned sarcastically. I groaned in embarrassment as Ross finally left leaving tea and taking most of the chocolate biscuits with him. Slob.

"I like him!" Vanessa said laughing.

"Shutup, Vanessa! He's so embarrassing!" I said my cheeks flushing red.

"Laura, I have to tell you something."


"I'm... Moving to Miami."

This chapter sucked chicken bottoms so sorrybut I'm so upset rn and writing about love isn't helping bc I'm not in a lovey mood but I will for you I'm too lazy to edit so get over it

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