• t w e n t y •

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its been a while sense I've written Raura so please excuse me if its bad but I decided it was wrong to leave a story unfinished so ya I will try to start updating again (: I was so happy I got 14 comments I really wasn't expecting so thank you all so much! I took time and re read the story so yay. Here we go (:


Once we got to my new home, we immediately started taking boxes up

"Hello." I heard a woman voice call from behind me.

A middle aged woman with a sharp blonde Bob cut, striking brown eyes, ruby red lipstick was staring at me, she was wearing a black pencil skirt and a blazer with a white button up shirt underneath.

I suddenly felt like a peasent in my rolled up jeans, plum tank top and flannel with my hair in a messy bun.

I dusted off my hands before offering it to her.

"Hello, ma'am. You must be Mrs Lynch"

She doesn't shake my hand.

"So you're the girl my son is dating" She observed with judgmental eyes.

"Um yes" I reply taking my hand back.

"Wow, Ross surely did downgrade"


"Mom! Don't talk to Laura like that" Ross said, I looked down embrassed.

"Why would you choose her over Brittany?"

"Brittany cheated on me!"

"Everyone makes mistakes."

"Whatever mom, go to work."

Once she leaves Ross tilts my chin up to make me look in his eyes.

"She's crazy, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Okay?" He said with love in his eyes.

"I love you" I reply before connecting my lips with him for a passionate kiss, his arms swing around my waist pulling me closer.

"And I love you" He whispered once we pulled away.

"Laura! Come on, let's unpack you're stuff upstairs." Celeste says.

"Alright," I say as I take Ross's hand and we go upstairs.

We unpack most of my cloths and makeup stuff and shoes but I can't find my underwear anywhere!

Suddenly Ross walks in with a pair of pink Lacey panties and a pink pushup bra. He struts in before twerking.

"Oh my God" I yell covering my eyes while Celeste sits laughing her butt off in the corner.

"Am I sexy for you, Laurie?" He asks biting his pointer finger. Can I just die.


"Aw come on babe, I just want to have fun"

"OHMYGOD HAHAHAHAHHAAH" Celeste screams clutching her stomach.

"You little mother trucker"

I try to pull the bra off but it won't budge.

"Ugh, you're too fat!"

He wasn't wearing a shirt but thankfully he was wearing his pants still.

"You suck at sexily undressing" He groans before he easily takes the bra off and flings it at my face.

"Now thats how you do it"


so this was a filler but I kind of like this chapter LOL xD

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