Josephine scoffs, "A broken heart can happen."

He rolls his eyes, "Well, it's not like he'll try to beat her up or anything."

Lucas stifles a laugh, "I'd love to see anyone try to beat Adalyn up. She'll kick their ass so hard. Just because you love someone doesn't mean they don't piss you off on a daily. But instead of trying to be violent with your lady, ruin her makeup. Break her little tube of foundation and let her mascara wand dry out. That's the best type of revenge you can get on a girl."

Trace throws his head back laughing, "You want to destroy Adalyn's makeup?" he laughs even harder, "I hope you taught your PlayStation to swim."

Adalyn nods in agreement, not too worried about the situation. She knows him well enough to know that he'd never attempt to ruin something so close to her heart.

All of us being back together has taught me something. No matter how long you spend away from your friends, you'll stay the same. It's been two entire months without this table of amazing idiots but nothing has changed. We're all still goofing around and saying whatever we want because we know we can.

I know that time won't make a difference in our friendship. This group of friends, will always be with me. I'll never forget them.

"I started a babysitting job," Josephine starts, continuing the conversation with a different topic. "Playing with kids is hard. The little boy got mad at me because I wouldn't eat crayons."

Trace laughs, probably relating to the topic on a higher level.

"Kids aren't even difficult though, like I once wasted an hour trying to help Dylan figure out why a grapefruit exists when there's already a fruit called a grape." Ethan says.

Dylan laughs as he remembers.

I don't think I've ever attended a conversation more wild than this one. People are just throwing sentences out everywhere but somehow they all connect. It's crazy how that works.

All eyes focus on him and I contemplate whether or not I should respond to his statement. I've got a few question for him, but I decide to just leave it alone.

We continue talking until the sun starts to set. And then we order dinner, and talk some more. It's not until everyone's back is hurting from the uncomfortable seats that we agree it's time to head home.

"We're living together now." Trace says in awe as we pull up at our apartment building.

I nod once, "I hope you're sure that you love me because now you're not able to get away."

Trace chuckles beside me, "I'm sure. Soon I'm going to wake up every morning and there you'll be, sleeping on more than half of the bed with your messy hair. I can't really explain what that'll mean to me. I'm completely in love with you and I'm ready to conquer life at your side. Whatever battles we face, we'll fight them together. If there's anything you've taught me it's that I should never take things for granted. You're the one that I want now, tomorrow and every day after that. I can't wait to spend my life with you."

I smile like an idiot.

There's nobody on this earth that I need more than him. He's the air I breathe, the water in my dessert, and the love that overcomes my heart. He's everything to me.

"I love you, Trace Henderson."

He leans forward for a kiss and I give it to him.

My hands tangle in his hair just like they always do, trying to pull him closer. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I grant him access and part my lips. His hands trail down my face to land on my leg. Slowly, he brings his fingers up my thigh until-

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