Episode 16: Kiss

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Dano doesn't know how to feel about her strained encounter with Haru that day. On one hand, a part of her feels brought to life just remembering how he'd held her, his hand steady on her lower back, how he'd grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him; how he'd stared into her eyes like he was looking into her soul... on one hand, she feels revived. On the other hand, she remembers Gyeong and is overwhelmed with guilt.

She does like Gyeong, doesn't she?

Yes... yes, she does. When she's with Gyeong, she feels butterflies. She feels excited and comfortable, like she's licking her favourite sticky sweet.

And with Haru...


Dano's chest aches just thinking the name.

With Haru, it's not butterflies.

Everything is different.


"Hey," Dano finds Dohwa in the library. He's sitting there sullenly, heavily. This stuns Dano for a moment; she's never seen him look so weary before. "Wow," she frowns. "What happened to you? Did someone die?"

He looks up at her, "What?"

"Unlikely. The writer isn't that psycho. He wouldn't kill people. It's still a romance novel, after all." She sits down across from Dohwa. He's turned back to face the table, somewhat solemn. She feels stranger and stranger the longer she stares at him. She raises her eyebrows. "Soooo... what's up?"

He looks up again, like he'd already forgotten she was there.

"Oh," he glances around a little bit, his gaze still lowered. "I, umm... I don't know. I just... feel..."

"Are you sick?"

"No! No... I mean, am I?" He ponders. "I'm not sure.... for real, what if I am?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't know! It's just, I think I might be sick!" His eyes have grown wide, his gestures rigid and restless. "I-It's just, none of this makes any sense. What if—what if I am?"

"Sick? Sick how?" Dano demands, but she's not worried. Just curious.

What could this be? This is what doesn't make any sense, why would he be sick in the shadow. It's not part of the stage, and he doesn't have his ego.


"Eun Dano," Dohwa looks like he's having a seizure. "I... I think I'm going crazy—"


Dano walks across the field alone, her books hugged to her chest. Her hair blows backward in the wind. A growing crowd has gathered in the middle of the field. Mentally, Dano rolls her eyes. What is going on? What is it this time?

She is forced to nudge her way to the front of the crowd, which—if she might add—is so unlike her character. Isn't she meek and pathetic and stuttery?

At the front of the line, finally, she sees what the ruckus is about.

For once, she is actually shocked; like her character.

Baek Gyeong and Haru stand in the center of all attention, an automatic ring of space around them. They're toe-to-toe, Haru's face brewed into vicious coldness. Shin Saemi stands somewhat between them, looking guilty.


It's this scene.

Dano realises that the stage has already been going on for a while when Haru suddenly grabs Gyeong by the front of his shirt and yanks him forward. The crowd swoons and startles. Gyeong looks like he's trying to calm him down. Dano watches fervently, her character's eyes growing wide.

And then a memory hits her—

Gyeong grabs her wrist. Haru rises like lightning from his desk, his hand latching onto Gyeong's forearm. He says, "I don't think she wants to go with you."

He tears Gyeong's grip away from Dano.

Gyeong grits his teeth, danger a dark glimmer in his eyes. He hisses in Haru's face, "Why do you care?"

Dano breaks from her dream, shocked and gasping for air. But only mentally. Eun Dano is still in the stage.

And then it's her time to shine.

She hurries forward, into the open ring that surrounds Haru and Gyeong's face-off. Her brow creases with worry, eyes shining with fearful tears.

"N-No, stop!" Why is she crying? Isn't it too melodramatic? "Please, don't..."

Gyeong tries to look back at her, but can't with the way Haru is fixing him in place, "Dano?"

"Haru, let him go," Saemi orders strictly. "If you'll just let me explain—"

"No, Saemi. This isn't yours to explain," Haru growls, glaring at Gyeong. "It's his. He is the one who treated you like shit after putting on that whole show the other day. Lovers, are you?" He tightens his grip on Gyeong's shirt, Gyeong, who only sighs exasperatedly in turn.

"Let go of me, you asshole," mutters Gyeong.

He yanks Haru's fists off his shirt. Aggravated, Haru doesn't wait a moment's notice and immediately shoves Gyeong backward. He is growling beneath his breath.

Does Haru growl? This strikes Dano as odd. Haru would never growl.

"Don't touch me!" Gyeong's voice actually rises to a yell. The two of them stagger backward, and then step forward. Like magnets. Ready to go at each other again and again.

The crowd froths with excitement.

"Baek Gyeong..." Dano whispers, sounding hurt. Which doesn't make any sense.

"Should I teach you a lesson?" Haru ponders out loud, slowly and loudly.

"Haru, I said, don't," Shin Saemi steps forward and grabs Haru's arm. He stops in his tracks, glancing sharply over at her. She murmurs, "Just talk to me... please, just talk to me. Don't hurt Gyeong."

Dano flutters to Gyeong's side and touches his hand. He turns to look at her, compassion breaking out in his eyes.

"Are you... okay?" she asks quietly.

He smiles at her, "Yeah, Dano. Don't worry about me." He grabs both her hands in his, enfolding them carefully. He pulls her towards him, their hands securely threaded. He whispers, eyes sincere, "I'm so sorry about this."

Dano wants to kiss him.

Except Haru is right there, and they're in a stage. And she is pretty sure pigs will fly before the writer even thinks about thinking in correlation with her—

Oh! Wait.


Gyeong touches Dano's cheek, cupping it. His touch is warm. He guides her slowly to meet his eyes, which overflow with emotion. Slowly, he closes in on her. Her own eyes flutter shut. His lips find hers. The crowd makes noise, startled and excited. Dano smiles through the kiss.

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