Episode 13: No Matter What

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As the days and chapters pass, more and more of this starting to feel familiar to Dano. Her thoughts as she is forced to suffer idly in the stage, Gyeong's face and personality (which seems different now every time she meets him); even the words shadow and stage themselves have a familiar ring to it... Dano wonders if she is remembering her past life. In Secret.

But more importantly than recurring thoughts, and words, and even Gyeong—Haru continues to feel familiar in the same inexplicable way he has felt since the beginning of Forgotten Winter. Since Dano found her ego.

She's sure she knows him from another life... scraps of memory, flashes of colour, faded image, smiles, broken phrases—they compile in her head. She's remembering more and more. But especially Haru's voice.

Especially Haru's eyes.

The pain creased into his features as tears leak down the bridge of his nose.

Dano wakes from her dreams in the middle of the night, jolting from her pillow, gasping for air. She trembles and her face is wet. This itself is becoming familiar.

What is real and what's not? What should she pursue and what should she leave be? What should she listen to...?

"I really hate the writer. But, I won't let him write my story anymore! I'm going to change my fate, no matter what."

"...no matter what..."

"...no matter what..."


Unforgettable You {Extraordinary You Sequel!}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt