Chapter 1-VOGUE...

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Avneet POV
Maid (Jannat Zubair)- Ms. Kaur, your mother has called for you in the great hall immediately.
Avu: all right, that's just great! Now she's either gonna punish me for something I did wrong or make me go on some new kind of diet! That's just a wonderful way to start a day!
Jaan: but you'll get into trouble if you're late so hurry up!
Avu: Excuse me! How dare you speak to me that way! I've told you millions of times to be formal when speaking!
(Jaan takes a short bow)
Jaan: my apologies Miss...
Avu: fine fine! Whatever!
-- I look up at the huge clock which hangs on the wall in front of me... 6:27am! That's nice and early... I walk over the window and look out simply to get some fresh air and clear my mind before meeting my mother...
I open the window and look out at the beautiful moiety streets... there I see it... a majestic bike parked by the road on the pavement, I gaze at it for a while until I realize that my mother would kill me if I were late!
So I instantly look away and quickly change into some fresh clothes, then I hurry down the long hallways of my mansion and finally get to the great hall....
The room is huge and it's window was made of glass art which showed the picture of Mother standing with father on their marriage day and I standing in between them holding both their hands... this picture- as mother said, had infinite meanings... and she said that it changes its meaning depending on the mood of the person who sees it...
Well I never do understand what she says...
I walk into the room (if you could call it that) and see her sitting on the couch- she was wearing a stunning red carpet-worthy black dress which gently flowed down to the ground... it was off shoulders showing her shoulders... she had her hair up in a tight French braid and had put on bright red lipstick... even though she's not that young... her face was still rather beautiful and her face was in practically perfect shape... elegant and slightly v-shaped at the perfect angle... her jawline was clear and the concealer with the highlighter she had applied completely finished the touch!
She could practically get any guy she wished... I wonder why she chose
Avu: Mother... you called for me? Is there some occasion?
Mother: yes... today you'll be interviewed by the vogue! Which means (holds her ear with her long acrylic nails which makes Avu flinch and pout in pain) I expect you to be on your best behavior.... they want to know about your life! And you're gonna make it perfect! Lavish, Rich, free!!!! If you mess up... I swear it won't be good for you!
Avu: (her mother not letting go of her ear which now started to bleed lavishly) yes mother... (trying to sound strong)
(Now slapping her face slightly which was supposed to be a fun gesture but actually caused pain)
Mother: and after you're gonna be done with your interview you're gonna have a 3hour modeling session with Zara! If luck favors you... you'll be able to get a promotion by the end of this summer!..
Which I highly doubt will happen with this filthy body of yours... are you ignoring your diet? Isn't Ms. Misra being strict on you!?
Avu: no Mother... I'm following my diet... it's not having much effect I think...
Mother: that's fine I have another diet in mind for you... I'll inform Ms. Misra about this!
Avu: all right mother... (please don't...)
Mother: now go get dressed into the clothes I've left for you in your room! And go straight down to the main hall..! (Sarcastically) Love you darling!
Avu: (trying to sound genuine) Love you too Mother...
—this is that one thing that I love about vogue... they don't make you wear huge dresses... I put on the pink crop top with short jeans and tall high heals... then I sit down as Ms.Misra and another makeup artist does my makeup... I gaze into my reflection in the mirror in front of me... will I ever know who I am or what I want to be? Is this really the life I have to live...?—
(My thoughts are interrupted by a tall man who starts to speak)
Man: Miss Avneet Kaur! Your interview will be in a minute... please head to the library for it soon...
Avu: yes thank you...
— the make up artists put in several coats of foundation and then after what felt like hours... they were done...—
Ms. Misra: ughhh! Why do you have to be so ugly?! Well... we'll have to work with this... we did our best... Nothing can turn a dog into a butterfly...!
— the tone she used right there was completely offensive! It practically felt like punched punched me in the stomach... some part of my heart broke and that deep hole of loneliness inside me just screamed—
— I wanted to cry badly but I knew I couldn't, if I ruined my makeup they would literally kill me! And on top of that I gotta hurry... I can't be late, I suck in a deep breath and walk towards the library... there a few people are sitting on the couches and one lady stands up lightly when she sees me and walks towards me....she has a few papers spread around the table that stands in between both of us...
From her features I would assume that she's in her mid 30's, she wore light makeup and smiled warmly...
Around us was a small crew of typists and camera crew...—
Lady: Good morning... you must be miss Avneet Kaur!
Avu: yes... and you all must be from VOGUE to take my interview...
Lady: that's right... I'm Maria Shane and I will be taking you through the whole process...
So first we would like to take a picture of you for the cover page... please stand over here by the green backdrop... we will be putting this on your cover page!
Then we will be taking your interview- a story about your life and success... your achievements and future goals... it will take around 2 hours for the whole process but we'll make sure it's worthwhile!
Avu: oh... that's nice... Thanks!
— I am made to stand in front of the green backdrop and I give them a few poses from various angles... the camera lights flashing from many directions... this is practically my daily schedule and I'm used to it... after about 10 shots they tell me that they've got the perfect one...
Ms. Shane walks back to me and takes me to two armchairs... she sits down on one and gestures for me to sit down on the other... —
Maria: this is where your interview's all right you'll do just perfect! Let's start!
Man who was holding the camera: everyone ready! Lights, camera, action!
Maria: Hello VOGUE! Today we're here with the one and only Avneet Kaur... she's only 25 and the worlds youngest super model... we would like to know a little more about you... do you will to tell us?
Avu: It's my pleasure Ms. Maria! I'll pour my heart out...
Maria: wonderful... how about we start with your family?
Avu: oh... I grew up with my Mother, Harpreet Kaur... you must have heard of her... she was a world renowned model. Father left when I was very young...
Maria: oh I am so sorry for your loss...
Avu: oh no... don't be...
Maria: let's continue shall we... how was your childhood... college life? Or perhaps love life?
Avu: wow that went in a blink of an eye! Feels like just yesterday when u had just graduated. And as for my love life... I never had one... I just never fell in love yet... I'm saving that for later!...
Maria: wow... who was your greatest inspiration or motivation... who encouraged to move on and grow successful in your career?
Avu: it was definable my mother... she's my role model... she encountered me to join this carrier and pursue my dreams! She was there every step of the way...
Maria: that's amazing... you must be very great-full and privileged to have a mother life her...
Avu: yes! I definitely am!
Maria: What were your hurdles at the beginning of your career?
Avu: definitely peoples hate... I received a lot of that prom many people... but I decided to move on... that's what brought me here!
Maria: and last But defiantly  not least... what makes you different from other models?
Avu: firstly- my age! Being a super model at 25 in itself is an achievement..
And other than that it's the fact that... most models are forced into modeling, but in my case it's my ambition, my dream, my passion!
Maria: wow! That's a wonderful message!
(At this point I was basically just spitting out lies from my mouth)
— the interview goes on for some more time and I talk about the latest trends and best places to shop from... and blablabla....—-
Then after about 2 and a half hours were finally done with our interview...! They take a few more pics of me and at the end of it all they show me my cover page... which actually looks pretty good! I guess it was worthwhile...!

That's what it looked like 🔝😁—Perfect life of Aveet Kaur

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That's what it looked like 🔝😁
—Perfect life of Aveet Kaur. Rich, Elegant, beautiful, renowned.
Everything everyone thinks my life is.
But in reality, My life sucks.
Diet after diet. Pose after pose. Interview after interview.
Maybe I just want to be normal. Has anyone ever asked me who I wanted to be?
Perhaps I don't want to be Avneet Kaur, the world famous super model.
I just want to be Avneet Kaur, a normal girl with an ordinary life with like 10 friends and 100 Instagram followers. Or something.
People look up at me and say, 'wow!, I wish I had her life.' But they don't understand that if I had a choice, I would switch lives with them in a heartbeat!—
(Back in my room)
Jaan: So... how did the interview go?
Avu: it was like any other interview... nothing less than perfect!
Jaan: Miss, according to your schedule you have another modeling session in about half an hour...!
Avu: yes... that's right!
Butler (just enters): Ms. Kaur... your mother would like to see you this instant....
Avu: oh god what now?!!!
(I storm down to the hall and take a deep breath to calm myself down before going in...)
— I enter the hall and she's sitting there in skinny jeans and a loose pink t-shirt! She had her specks in which indicated that she was working on correcting papers or something related to the university...—
(When I approach her she stands up and takes her specks off)
Mother: I-I am proud of you... I saw your VOGUE cover and it's contents... and therefore I am going to reward you! You can have the rest of this week free... (considering that it was Tuesday I had 6days free!)
Avu: really! Oh my god thank you so much! (I was so happy that I threw my hands around her... that when I suddenly realized what I had done and instantly pulled away...)
I'm Sorry... I didn't mean to...
Mother: it's fine...! Now shoo! Go find yourself something to do in the time being!
Avu: Yes Mother!
— this is gonna be the best week of my life!!! I race through the corridors and into my room... there I basically cannonball into my bed and jump around the room! This is gonna be the best week of my life!!!!—
This is just the beginning!!! This story is just gonna get even more interesting 😏!
How was my VOGUE cover page? Lemme know in commentzzzz!>>

<—Sidneetography —>

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