5. The Brown Lands

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~ The company explores the grasslands and finds something unexpected

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~ The company explores the grasslands and finds something unexpected. ~

5. The Brown Lands

The elves grumbled over sore legs and backsides the following morning; they were not used to riding a whole day and had exercised muscles they normally didn't use.

Galion explained that because their city was built underground they couldn't keep horses there, with a few exceptions, such as Legolas' late stallion Arod who had passed away the other year. Despite the lack of horses, however, wood-elves were generally as good riders as other peoples, for back when their forest had been safer they lived above ground and traveled a lot on horseback. Most elves alive today had been born in those more peaceful times, and riding was a skill one didn't forget once learned even if many centuries had passed.

They breakfasted on lembas and it still tasted wonderful, but Wynne suspected she might grow tired of it in time if this was to be her only food the entire journey.

"Do elves ever eat anything else than this?" she asked Legolas, who sat on a flat rock next to her.

"Of course we do. Did you think we were some kind of birds that survive on bread crumbs?" He burst out laughing, nearly choking on his lembas.

Wynne didn't see what was so funny about her question. How was she to know?

"What do you eat then?" she muttered sullenly.

"Same as you humans, I would expect." Nodir gave Legolas a shove to silence him. "Greens, meats, fish. It depends on whether we are at home or traveling."

"If we see game during the journey we shoot it and prepare in the evening," Bronedir cut in.

"But are there any animals in the Brown Lands? I heard they were barren." Wynne worried a little over the horses who needed a constant supply of fresh grass.

"Since Sauron's defeat the Brown Lands and the Dead Marshes have slowly come to life," said Galion. "Grass has begun to grow back and even some flowers. It is not a flourishing garden yet, but it is getting there."

After breakfast the elves took down the tents and packed everything just as efficiently as yesterday. When they were done Wynne couldn't even see where the fireplace had been.

The horses had wandered off during the night as they usually did but came back at a gallop in response to Wynne's penetrating whistle.

"I love how well trained they are." Legolas grinned at Stelpa who had come straight to him, buffing his hands in search of a treat. "I have only lembas, my girl, sorry!" He threw a sideway glance at Wynne.

She smiled despite herself. Perhaps he had not really meant to tease her before.


That day they left the Anduin and headed east. As long as they were still close to the river, the nature was similar to that of Rohan; the short grass was lush, partly covered with last year's withering strands, and spring flowers sprouted in bright yellow groups. Wynne felt quite at home.

Riding With the Elves // Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now