Pain Is The Game - Chapter 6 - I Know You Wanna Die

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*Please note the song above! "Could've Been by H.E.R. feat. Bryson Tiller" this can pretty much sum up Cassie and Dylan's current situation. Please keep in mind that they are mates (aka soulmates), so there is a struggle between the mind and the heart here!*

Thanks for reading!


Pain Is The Game:
Chapter 6 - I Know You Wanna Die

So this was the feeling I've been looking for these past few months. Warmth? I see, now that makes sense. You know, I've been so alone that I've lost the heat needed to keep me alive. It's sad, really, not even my own heart is enough to keep me warm. Maybe that's why I feel like I'm dying. I moved my blurred vision across the Back Field. Everyone was here; I saw my brother and Dylan socializing with Pack Officials and other members. Eventually, they disappeared, but the remaining of the Pack members filled the field with laughter and dancing. These people were so happy, why couldn't I have a piece of that? Hell, even Kara was delighted.  

"But that's not even the best part," Kara laughed before she finishes. Goddess, this girl is hilarious when she's drunk; she's quite an adamant talker when she drinks too. "The fun-funniest part of all of this was..." She burst into laughter again, and tears rolled from her eyes as the memory of the story she's been telling me gripped her. I was beginning to feel jealous. I want to laugh like that. "Cass, I can't... I can't finish!" She screamed through her laughter. I hope I find out her story when she's a little less drunk. I was interested to hear her finish her story about her first boyfriend. She seemed fond of the memories, no matter how crazy, but mostly because of all the excitement they had together.

"Well, I do have a few funny stories myself," I grinned at her as I sipped my drink. Kara whipped her tears away and worked on catching her breath. This girl was fun! Kara was such a light and lively person that it was hard to stay miserable around her. She placed her hand on my shoulder and attempted to focus her hazel eyes on me.

"It can't be funnier than farting in a guy's face while--" 

"Kara, okay! You don't need to tell me the story twice. There are children here," I slurred and immediately giggled after. It seems like no matter how miserable I feel for the moment, as soon as I take a sip from my cup, it goes away. Things become funny rather than a burden. Goddess, this is scary, but it's fun. Just this once, right? Plus, Kara was hilarious at telling dirty stories that had a mixture of fun and mystery. Truly amazing, this girl. But worth listening to when I'm not wasted? I don't know about that. "And, yes, it is funnier than your story!"

Kara turned away from me and made a raspberry noise between her bicep and forearm. She turned back to me after making such a childish noise. "Pleassssseeeeee," she slurred and began to wobble in her seat like she was going to fall over. Geez, I knew she was drunk, but she's been drinking the same glass for the past hour and a half. Maybe this Wolfsbane just hits humans harder and faster. I laughed, recalling the memory of how shocked Kara was when I told her that Wolfbane isn't poison. It's just highly fermented alcohol that Wolves consume to get drunk since human alcohol is too weak. 


"Wait, so you're saying that my culture's weapon of pride has been getting Wolves drunk? But we've killed so many from it!"

"Yeah, I bet, but the only reason your kind may have been able to kill a wolf would be just because you got them too drunk to fight."

"No freaking way..."


"Are you sure? You look like you need to lay down," I said, and I sat my cup down in the grass. Kara and I had been sharing a small blanket area that was on the grass this whole time. It was an excellent spot to talk without too much of the crowded noise of chatter and children. Yet still close enough to be seen and even joined if anyone here cared. It seemed like Kara, and I was a good fit as friends here. She was not only my brother's mate, but she is a former Hunter. This is something that is causing the Pack not to accept her; I see it everywhere I turn. If it isn't the small glares or the full-blown, "You aren't going to kill us, are you?" questions, I'd say it's hard to tell. I probably would've tried to lighten up her hope of being accepted if I hadn't seen it first-hand. Goddess, this Pack is garbage. All they do is judge and judge without knowing a single fucking fact. 

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