Pain Is The Game - Chapter 1 - I Thought You Forgot About Me (Victor's POV)

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Pain Is The Game
Chapter 1 - I Thought You Forgot Me (Victor's POV)

(Victor's POV) - 4 months earlier

My heart stopped the moment she went out of view, I finally pulled my eyes away from the rearview mirror. She was gone, just like that, the last two years of my life just erased. Cassie, the woman I love and had never seen myself living without worst fears had come true.

Even after I found her on my territory naked and confused after her first turn, I knew that she was the one. Even if I didn't feel the same pull that I do with Je-- my mate. Though as of late, that's all it feels like it is, just a pull. That undeniable pull that makes your heart race and your pupils dilate from seeing your mate.

But my infatuation for Je only went that far. I didn't know her, and it felt a thousand times harder to get to know her when Alvin was always within five feet of her. Even though I'm his Alpha and could easily take Je away from him, I didn't want to put more strain on my relationship with Alvin than there already was. He was now my only leading warrior in terms of ranking and my most trusted trainer now that Cassie was gone.

Cassie was gone. My eyes watered at the thought. "Victor are you alright?" Je asked, her sweet voice laced with concern for my shifting mood as she touched my shoulder from the back seat. I simply touched her hand, without looking back.

"Yes, I'm alright." But I wasn't. The thought of walking into our-- I mean, my room without Cassie was going to be the hardest thing I've ever done. I knew her scent would be there, embedded in her clothes and our sheets. I know that Cassie hasn't told Je about our history so that she can preserve her friendship. So I know I'll have to clean the room of Cassie's scent so Je wouldn't be suspicious.

I began to close my eyes as we drove, I knew that this ride would take a while. It would be best if I just rested instead of flooding my mind with memories of what was. 'Wake me for an emergency or our arrival home only,' I send through my pack's telepathic connection. I wanted to be alone and rest in peace.

'Yes, Alpha.' They responded, all but Alvin. He simply huffed his response but remained silent nonetheless. There it was, the strain I mentioned. He was my most respectful and loyal ally, now I question if he would betray me simply out of jealously of us sharing a mate. It bothered me even more than he. Imagine the look of my image when it gets out that my Luna is mates with another. This situation is so rare that there is barely any information on it or what we can do to fix it.

Why would you want to fix? My wolf snarled within my mind. He was obviously getting frustrated with my current state of mind. But I didn't answer him, I didn't have to, my wolf was a part of me just as much as I was a part of him. He knew why I wanted to fix this, why I needed to fix this, as a man and as an Alpha. But even now, I placed a barrier between us to keep my mind as quiet as I could. When I asked to not be disturbed, I meant by everyone, including my wolf.

He didn't seem to take the block too well since he began to claw at it to get to me. But my will was stronger than his, so he couldn't get through. After he stopped fighting I closed my eyes and went to sleep, thinking of the woman that I loved.

~*~*~ Present Day ~*~*~

"Why would you think that I would want that?" I nearly shouted in my new hire's face. A look of stupidity laced in her features as she attempted to take back the evidence. I slammed my hand on the table, keeping the dress in place for the office to see.

"I'm sorry Alpha, I thought you said I could use my own creative--" She started.

"WHY? HOW? WHEN? WHERE?" I shouted even louder, at this point not even making sense to myself, but my anger wasn't doing well in helping me make sense of what the fuck this girl thought she was doing. "First, why would you ASSUME that for the largest fashion week in the WORLD, that I would allow anyone to empose a design that I didn't create?"

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