Pain Is The Game - Prologue

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Pain is the Game

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Dear Sam,

I know you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I'm not crazy. I've been perfectly sane for hours, and I feel fine. I'm always fine. I have a hard time processing things is all. It could've been easier if I was home, in my bed... in the arms of a loving man that could clear my mind with ease. But things aren't that simple anymore. I miss him. Victor was his name. I know, you're going to think I'm a fool for willingly deciding to stay back in this hell hole with Dylan. You wouldn't be wrong, I guess.

But I had to stay back. What kind of sense would it have made for me to go back with Alvin, Victor, AND Je? Then do what? Go up to me and Victor's room? I know that I shouldn't have lied to her about me and Victor's past relationship, but how was I supposed to tell her? She would've been devastated, and I don't want to do that to her--

My abnormally loud ringtone suddenly attacked my Eardrums. Gosh, I thought I turned that down. I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone. Speak of the devil, I answer. "What's up girlie?" I squeal, forcing an exciting look and smile on my face. I couldn't believe the coincidence.

"O.M.G Cass, I haven't heard from you in forever! I miss you!" Je's voice rang through my speaker. Her voice laced with a slur that made me think she's been drinking. Oh Gosh, what's been going on in paradise?

I smiled. "I miss you too, girl. How's life been?" I wanted to distract her from the fact that my voice hasn't been used for days. Maybe if she talks this whole time, she wouldn't notice.

"You know what? I could be better..." Not the response I was expecting.


"Yeah, I know you remember the hard time I was having with both Victor--" Victor, that name again, began to flood my mind with memories. Oh, how I missed him. "And Alvin? Well, after some time... and some yelling. We've all decided that we need some space," Whoa what?

"Um, what's happening?" This was so confusing for me, I mean I know it has been a few months since they've left. Could things have gone downhill after they went home? Sometimes I wish I could call Victor and check on him... maybe even talk to him.

Je chuckled on the other line, and she didn't sound bothered by the news she was telling me. It made me wonder just how this decision came about. "Well, I'm taking some time away from here to stretch my legs, and I was hoping you'd like to join me?" Shit, a girl's trip with my best friend? Who am I to turn down such an offer? But I do have to be modest about it.

"Whaaaaa? Me? Where would we be going?" I asked, trying to sound shocked that she would want me to go, but then again we have been best friends since forever so... yeah.

"Bitch because you're my best friend!" She exclaimed, and I laughed along. "I don't know. We could go to Paris or Thailand. Hell, maybe even the Philippines! I heard it was so beautiful there," I grinned from ear to ear as I pictured myself sunbathing in a bikini on a beautiful beach on a tropical island... oh fuck yeah!

"Well, I don't want to sound like a stick in the mud, but I don't have anything to wear on a trip like this," And that was true. Ninety-five percent of all my clothes were left behind with Victor, even the most notable designer runway outfits. Yes, honey, Victor did more than just make my toes curl. He created dozens of collections that the world has loved and that wealthy women drool over. He was such an essential figure in werewolf history that he's in history books in Werewolf schools all across the world.

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