Pain Is The Game - Chapter 2 - It Shouldn't be too Hard

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Payback Hurts Sequel:
Pain Is The Game
Chapter 2 - It Shouldn't be too hard

Dear Sam,

I did it. I spoke to Victor yesterday, and I feel like I've done something for the first time in months. Something good, I think. For so long, I've been isolated and trapping myself behind these walls that I forgot what the outside looked like. What it smelled like, what it was like to see the wind move the leaves on their branches. Oh yeah, Sam, it's been a while. I don't know why my mind wants me to stay in and away from the world, but my heart wants me to be free and to roam the woods and live amongst the trees as I was meant to. This life isn't for me anymore. I have always been --

No, I won't say that... I've been honored to serve my Pack with my strength. It is one of the only things I think I ever did right. But why do I feel like I've missed out on so much? It's not like Victor ever discouraged me from exploring the world and life itself, but he never encouraged it either. Though, to be honest, I never said much about it... I just always allowed myself to wonder and then slip back into line like the rest.

But this time, I won't be doing that.

This time, I don't think I want that anymore-- NO! I know I don't want that anymore!

That's why, when I go outside today, I'm going to tell him, Dylan, I mean... Goddess, I hate that I write these letters in pen sometimes.

And I'll tell him that I will be leaving to travel the world with my best friend... However long that may be!

And that I won't be taking the role of his Luna.

I know that it's not fair, Sam. To you, that is. That your Pack would lose so much just because the Alpha won't have his real Luna by his side. But you're dead, Sam... why I even am thinking of you in a time like this, is beyond me. But I must do what is right, not just because of revenge for the pain and heartbreak Dylan put me through; no, not that at all...

It is just merely what my heart desires.

Yours For Eternity,


There it was—my truth, right there on this piece of paper. I wanted to go... I wanted to live and to leave Dylan and this Pack for good. I don't know why, but the thought made me stir, and I felt guilty for some reason. NO, I will NOT feel guilt for this! I have to live too! My life has always been to fight for others, and yet I have left myself defenseless. The thought distracted me, and I dropped the papers to the floor.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door. Oh fuck, who could that be? I stood up from my seat and began heading towards the door, but not before I kicked the papers underneath my bed. It's okay; I'll get them later.

As I walked to the door, I smelled that sweet scent of his. A mixture of pinecones and men's cologne rushed into my nostrils, and my eyes watered just as my mouth did. What the fuck is that? Why do I suddenly feel like engulfing myself into this scent? The knock at the door came again and louder than the last.

I plugged my nose and stood on the other side of the door. I didn't open it, afraid of what would be waiting on the other side. "Yes, who's it?" I said through the door, knowing whoever was there would hear me just fine.

"Cassie? It's me, Dylan. I was just coming to bring you breakfast and check on you," He said softly through the door. Oh no... He can't be here right now. I should've known it was him that smelled like that. As I was about to shout at him to leave, my stomach growled at the sound of breakfast. "Yeah, I guess skipping dinner last night is catching up with you, huh?"

Pain Is The Game (Book TWO)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora