Pain Is The Game - Chapter 5 - You'd Be Dead If Not For My Dad... (Dylan's POV)

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*Psst, peep the song attached to the chapter. This is the type of music Dylan enjoys, so expect to hear 2Pac throughout the party! Hahaha!*


Pain Is the Game:
Chapter 5 - You'd Be Dead If Not For My Dad

(Dylan's POV)

I looked over the beauty of my Pack from my office window. I looked over all of their faces that gleamed under the moonlight. Aside from our buffet of food in the kitchen, the Living Area has been reserved for dancing, and the Back Field is for the social gathering of children to the elderly alike. Leading up to this party was everything; I had to ensure that I had all of the right people working on it to guarantee its success. I wanted Cassie to love it. I wanted her to thank me for getting her out of her dreadful room and into civilization.

But unfortunately, it appears that all Cassie wants to do is just sit and drink with Kara. Goddess, of all people, why was she talking to her? I know I should refrain from distasteful thoughts about my Beta's mate, but the stench of Hunter was all over her. Even after all this time of being with Oscar. Goddess, if he could just mark the girl and get this all over with, then hopefully that'll help with her horrid smell.

I looked down at my watch, 8:14 pm. Goddess time has gone by so quickly.

Cassie has about forty-five minutes left before she's free to go. I took a sip of my drink, enjoying the burning sensation of Wolfbane going down my throat. Goddess, this gin was amazing. I continued to examine Cassie for a moment. She was smiling and talking a lot. She seems pretty happy right now, she was laughing so much at what Kara was saying that I felt jealous for a moment; but nevertheless, I smiled along with her from where I stood.

She was so beautiful. Just looking at her gave me heart palpitations. I graced over the glory of her features in one look-over, seeing how her black hair that hung to her waist in ocean-like waves made her blue eyes sparkle even more than I've ever seen made me shift in my spot. They were so striking, even from this distance. Goddess, what I wouldn't do to embed my nose into her hair and inhale every bit of her scent.

Cassandra Jefferson, the love of my life. Although I know that I'm not hers doesn't bother me yet. I know that one day we will be together, just like the Goddess intended. I just know it.

A knock at my door took me out of my lovestruck trance, and I cleared my throat for a second and grabbed my notecards off of my desk to pretend like I was doing something. I lied to get away from everyone, and I ended up abandoning Oscar to do the socializing with the Pack alone. I felt sorry, but my "speech rehearsal" was the only way I could leave without him guilting me into staying.

"Dylan?" Are you fucking kidding me? I turned away from overlooking the party to scold whoever thought it was acceptable to enter my office without my permission only to see Jessica, my ex-girlfriend, and former "Luna" of my Pack standing at the threshold of my door. I frowned in distaste of the sight of her, un-fucking-believable how she would think that she was welcome here. "I'm still a part of this pack too, Dylan!" She exclaimed with a mixture of fear and anger.

"Yeah, well, how about we work on changing that," I said smoothly, reaching for my notepad and pen to take note of how I will fucking get rid of her! Why is she even here? Cassie is so close to me, closer than she's ever been, and I know that anything regarding Jessica will set her off. I can't risk losing her after how far we've come.

"Dylan, please!" Jessica cried out, reaching out as if to stop my hand, but I instantly pulled it away from her. I didn't want her touching anything in here, and leaving her scent; Cassie may pick up on it. But in the midst of all of my anger, I hadn't even noticed the most important part of Jessica, her belly. It was now sticking out like a sore thumb. My goodness, it's been four and a half months since we've broken up, and its only six months needed before a pup is born.

I decided to refrain from my aggression towards Jessica, and I mentally and emotionally wrapped my Wolf in chains. Keeping him tied down, so that no matter what Jessica said or did, I wouldn't lose my temper. No matter how things ended with us, her pup doesn't deserve stress right now.

"What do you want, Jessica?" I asked, my voice monotone and dismissive. The sooner she leaves, the better.

"I need to talk to you, Dylan. About the pup," she added and unconsciously wrapped her arms around her bump. What would she possibly need to talk to me about her pup for? "I know that you don't want me here, so I won't waste your time," She said quickly, looking down at the floor as she spoke. Her hair fell in front of her face; she looked weak, and, most of all, tired.

Even through all of the unhappiness I've had with Jessica over the past couple of years, I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Due to her pregnancy, she cannot attend school physically since pregnant wolves have compromised immune systems, and her family has disgraced her for getting pregnant outside of her mateship-- especially given the fact that she doesn't know who the Father is, obviously. She had lost everything, and yet here I am... feeling guilty for it?

"I know that how things ended with us wasn't the best and that... I've done so many things to lose your trust, " That is by far, the understatement of the year. "But I do know that this baby is yours."


"Please just let me finish. I know that I fucked up okay, but I know that this pup has to be yours, Dylan! We slept together for the first time after months of nothing from you," She trailed off for a moment but resumed without a second thought. "It surprised me that night, you know? That you actually touched me and held me..."

What was she talking about? I don't remember doing that. "That's enough, that never happened," I shook my head and turned away, Goddess she's losing everything, including her mind.

"But it did! You think that because you didn't finish inside of me that nothing happened?" She shouted.

"Goddess, Jessica, I never fucking touched you! Why would--"

Suddenly I felt a tight pressure in the back of my head. I was going against the boundaries I set for myself, I was losing my temper and now shouting. This was not good. I have to find a way to deal with this maturely and quietly.

"Jessica, I understand that you are going through a lot right now. I am willing to work with you on this. But only if you promise to only deal with the matter with me only, okay?"

"Dylan, stop..." She whispered, and I heard sobs escape her lips softly. "I don't want your pity; I want my pup to have his Dad." She broke down right there; her shoulders shook uncontrollably as she wept. I didn't know what to do, do I hug her? I walked slowly up to her, but once the first footstep approached her, she stopped and stepped back, still with her eyes on the floor.

"Okay, Jessica. When the pup reaches five months, then we can work out getting a DNA sample to confirm who the Father is," I said, and her eyes immediately snapped to mines. She looked shocked by what I was saying, as was I. "Until then, you are welcome to come here for whatever you need and for whatever your pup needs. But that is only contingent upon the fact that you don't speak of this to anyone but me," I looked to her for a confirmation of her understanding. She nodded frantically, tears still threatening to leave her eyes.

"Now, please leave. Enjoy the party," It didn't take long before she was gone and I was alone once again. I looked at my watch for the time, 8:24 pm. To say that was exhausting would be the understatement of my life, no that my friend was beyond draining.

To think that just after a couple of months of working on my communication skills that I would be able to handle my temper is amazing beyond measure. Thank Goddess, my Dad established the Leadership Training Program for Alpha, Beta, and Gamma positions alike. If it weren't for that, I know I'd still be the completely hated, hot-headed Alpha my Father was afraid of me becoming. But I had no plans of being that way at all, I was going to be a great Alpha like he was, and if that meant not yelling at my pregnant, cheating ex-girlfriend, then so be it.


Thanks so much for reading! The next update will be coming Monday! See ya then!

- Leilani

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