Author's Note

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Hello everybody!

My name is Nadia and welcome to The Existence of Carrie Griffith.

This is the first story I have begun and finished. I currently have a folder on my laptop filled with 55 started stories and this is the only one that I’ve completed. And it took three months.

I’d like to point out that I wrote this story at the beginning of 2014, based on their tour in the UK in February/March. I realise that when this entire story has been uploaded, it will be 2015 so Michael’s hair colour will be out of date, as will Calum’s tattoos but attempt to look past that. Please.

I’m just a teenage girl from eastern Australia and the fact that you’re wasting your time reading my work is amazing.

Thank you to the moon and back.

If you wish to contact me:
Twitter: emotionalreck99

Bless you all!


Carrie Anne Griffith has aspired to be a journalist ever since she got an A+ for a news report assignment in grade 10. Interviewing celebrities, criminals, politicians. It was what she wanted to be. When she was offered an internship with Channel Seven Sydney in her seccond year of uni, it was another piece fitting into her perfect puzzle. 

When her boss Henry gives her an overseas assignment to test her skills at being unscripted and spontaneous, she's excited but hesitant. She's never heard of the band and it's in England. You know, frickin' freezing England. Oh and she doesn't even know her overseeing colleagues. 

Using her online profile as a vlogger and blogger, Carrie wins over the band and the fans, and the assignment looks promising. But with the good, comes the bad. Curveballs and criticism. And there's one distraction that Carrie just can't seem to overcome. 

 Enjoy The Existence of Carrie Griffith!

- Nadia

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