Chapter Twenty-Four: Hey, Yeah, Ummm Surprise Carrie

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// Chapter Twenty-Four: Hey, Yeah, Ummm Surprise Carrie //

Alex Gaskarth was singing to me and, while I normally wouldn’t want to shut him up, he was disturbing my sleep. I sat up and turned off ‘Lost in Stereo’ as I heard a murmur beside me. I squealed and jumped out of bed, terrified about why there was a stranger in my bed. My pants were still on and I wasn’t sore so I assumed that didn’t happen. I hugged myself as I walked around the bed. This is where I noticed the line of black through the person’s hair and all my worry and dread was gone.

“Oh my god.” I sighed. I still wanted to know why he was in my bed. That sounded so wrong in my head. “Michael.” I said firmly, poking his face. He murmured and rolled over away from me. I rolled my eyes, knowing he wouldn’t get up quickly. So I slapped him across the face.

“Holy shit!” He screamed, clutching his cheek before he looked at me. “What the fuck Carrie?”

“Well I needed to wake you.” I reasoned and he ran his hand down his face.

“I’m guessing you have breakfast?”

“Heck no. We’re going downstairs for breakfast, the five of us. But first you need to answer a question.”


“Why the hell did I wake up with you next to me?” I put my hands on my hips for extra sassiness and so he would take me seriously.

“You fell asleep on our couch and I carried you back into your room, thanks for keeping your room key in your pocket by the way. Luke told me to stay with you since you’re sick, well, were.”

“Yeah, if you can’t tell, I’m fine now. Do you mind leaving so I can get changed? I’ll meet you and the boys downstairs for breakfast.” I pushed him out of my room and shut the door. It took me a while to choose what to wear. I’m not sure why, these guys had seen me at both my best and my worst so there was no point in trying to impress them. I settled on some jeggings and a plain black t-shirt with my black ballet flats and my biker jacket, before I put my hair into a ponytail, grabbed my room key card and a £20 note and headed downstairs.
The boys were all just getting seated and I quickly joined them. I ordered a large vanilla latte since I was feeling fancy and got the rest from the buffet. I ended up with a plate littered with bacon rashers and hash browns with one lonely fried egg. It was delicious though.

“What adventures do you guys have in store?” I asked as I sipped my latte.

“We were going to head out and look around. Why? Did you want to join?” Ashton asked in a way that the popular kid would ask the nerd.

“Yeah. I need to get out more and I haven’t been shopping with guys for a while. Oh and I need to get presents.”

“Aww shit, so do I.” Luke sighed. “I need a girl’s opinion so; no question about it, Carrie is coming.” He then looked right at me. “Just don’t drag us into girly shops. They make me uncomfortable.”

“Deal.” I smirked at him.

“But I wanted to go the football museum.” Calum whined.

“We’ll tour here again Cal, don’t worry. I need to get presents for people and Carrie here could be a serious help for that.” Ashton spoke up.

“Alright, it’s settled. Let’s go.” I said as I gulped the last of my coffee.

“But we have to get changed!” Calum looked at me like I was crazy.

“What you’re wearing is fine.” I said. He was wearing a pair of black track pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Ok so maybe I was lying. Calum just scowled at me and left. I decided I’d change my shirt. When I got back to my room, I dug to the bottom of my suitcase for the shirts I’d bought specially for the trip. I grabbed a random one and threw it on. I didn’t even look at it. I put a ripped pair of pale blue skinny jeans on too and threw my black Vans on and my biker jacket back on before doing a bit of eyeliner and mascara before grabbing my handbag and going back downstairs.

The Existence of Carrie Griffith (5SOS) [Editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora