Chapter Twenty-One: Vodka and Cream Buns

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// Chapter Twenty-One: Vodka and Cream Buns //

Andrew took us downstairs. It felt weird to be wearing the outfit I was, but I liked it and I hadn’t worn it together before. We got outside and the roar from the fans was mental. I had to cover my ears as myself and the four boys walked out and were taken across the road where I saw a smartly dressed woman and a casually dressed man holding a camera. Something about them seemed familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it. It wasn’t until we got up to them that I saw who it was. It was Giovanna and Christian. Giovanna looked like she’d tripped and fallen face first into cheesecake and her eyes looked like they had been drenched in tar. She looked awful.

“Hello, I’m here today with Australian band 5 Seconds of Summer. How are you boys?” She asked them. I decided this wasn’t my place so I told Andrew I was going back upstairs and he gave me a curt nod. I quickly made my way across, the fans were still screaming and it made me dizzy. As soon as I got up to the dressing room I took another Panadol. The video had been transferred so I disconnected the camera and began editing the video. I had attached the end bit to the video and had but a couple ‘bleeps’ in over the swear words when my phone rang.


“Hello Carrie, how are you?”

“I’m good Henry.” I stood and walked slowly over to the window.

“It’s Mr Adams, please.” This wasn’t good. He’d always told me to call him Henry.

“Sorry, Mr Adams. What’s your reason for calling?”

“Is Giovanna there?”

“Yes she is Sir, she’s interviewing the boys right now.”

“Good, good. Now Carrie, I need to tell you something. I’d advise you to sit down.” I sat down on the couch.


“Carrie, I’m going to have to let you go.”

“Let me go? What do you mean?”

“I mean that, as soon as this assignment is done, you’re work with us is over.”

“But I have a contract until December. It’s only February.”

“That may be so but I can adjust that contract if need be. You may still finish your university course but you’ll have to do the full three years.”

“Why are you firing me?” I could feel tears behind my eyes as I asked.

“We’re extremely disappointed in your lack of professionalism on this assignment. I sent you to interview them and talk to them about touring the UK and then I find out you’re literally touring with them, living with them. This is a business trip, not a holiday for you to meet single men Ms Griffith.”

“Henry, Mr Adams sorry, yes I am sharing a tour bus with them but I haven’t hooked up with any of them, we hang out, yes, but none of us are romantically involved.” I had to stop my self from crying, be professional.

“That may be so but that’s not how the world sees you. I’m sorry but I can’t continue to employ a person with such a bad reputation. It’s embarrassing and unprofessional. You may finish this assignment but as soon as you step foot in Sydney, you’re no longer an employee of Channel 7. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you and your campaign. Have a nice day Ms Griffith.” And he hung up.  I put my phone on the coffee table in front of me and began bawling. I cried into my hands for I don’t know how long.

“Have a nice day? Have a nice day he says!” I exclaimed “I need to get out of here.” I grabbed my phone and jacket and changed from my stilettos back to my boots and left. As I got to the base of the stairs, I could see the boys were heading across the road, so I went the other way. I went the way Michael had shown me that morning. When I got to the lane, I turned left instead of right as I had that morning and walked. I had no clue where I was going but I didn’t care. It was quarter to four and the sun was beginning it’s descent into the horizon. My phone rang and I looked at it to see it was Michael. I didn’t want to talk so I ended it. I was tempted to let it ring out but then he’s probably think I was dead and send out a search party. At least if I ended it, he knew I was alive. I found a small park and sat on the swing. I slowly rocked back and forth until my eyes became waterfalls again. I cried and cried. I don’t know how long I sat there for, all I know is that my phone rang again, this time it was Ashton, and I ended it before it rang out. I’m alive, I just don’t want to talk.

The Existence of Carrie Griffith (5SOS) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now