Chapter Fifteen: Who Wants To Have Sex With Me?

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// Chapter Fifteen: Who Wants To Have Sex With Me? //

“You kids up for filming a video?” I asked as we lounged around in the dressing room.

“Sure, but bring us some Vegemite on toast first.” Calum ordered, not looking up from his phone. I laughed and walked over to the bench and began toasting some bread. I swear this was the most equipped dressing room. I mean, who keeps a ream of paper just sitting around like the one I found earlier? The had a toaster which made us all happy, plus it was a four slice toaster. The people that take care of the dressing rooms know exactly what they’re doing. I put four slices in straight away and took out the Vegemite from the bag left on the bench. I saw they’d also brought in the tin of Milo so I started making mugs of cold Milo to go with the toast. While I waited for the toast to pop I checked my twitter hashtag to see if there was any more decent truths and dares, and there were so I wrote them down and cut them out and added them to the containers.

“Lunch is served.” I announced, putting two pieces of Vegemite toast on four plates and putting them on the coffee table. I grabbed the cups and put them down as well. Mikey was on his Nintendo, not paying attention to anything around him so I poked him in the face to get his attention.

“What?” He asked really loudly, right next to my ear.

“There is Vegemite on toast and Milo. Come and eat.” He immediately shut his DS and jumped up, grabbing a plate and cup and sitting back down. Luke, Calum and Ashton were on their phones and I was going between my laptop, phone and camera. I’d put the video from earlier onto my laptop and was editing it to put in a video montage of that day.

 I’d also videoed Ashton and Luke doing cartwheels across the room and all of them dancing and singing to ‘Wildheart.’ I joined in with the dancing. I taped trying to teach them how to do several arm movements my cheerleading friends had taught me at home. They failed, so I tried teaching them some basic contemporary dance moves because I was a contemporary girl, and they did ok at that so I tried teaching the first thirty seconds of a jazz dance I’d done when I was twelve. They completely failed at that. While we were at sound check, Michael taped Ashton drumming, then me trying to do what Ashton was doing. It was my turn to fail. They started playing soccer with a pillow on the floor where the crowd would be standing that night. I had to video that too. Overall, I had a pretty good amount of content thus far, and I was hoping to get some from the actual concert that night and some stupid stuff on the bus.

“Everyone done?” I asked the four boys around me, with mouths rimmed with Vegemite, crumbs and milk. They nodded and I packed up their plates, putting them on the bench and grabbing my camera. “Boys!” I announced. “Assemble!” They all looked at me like I was insane.

“What are we assembling?” Mikey asked.

“Yeah, we’re not very good with D.I.Y stuff.” Calum added. I rolled my eyes and pointed at the camera.

“We’re assembling a camera?” Michael questioned.

“Oh heck no. I’m not good with technology.” Calum fought.

“Boys, Carrie wants to film a video.” Ashton fixed his beanie and fell back onto the couch. I looked around at these kids. It was quarter to three in the afternoon. All of them had showered and were sitting around doing nothing much.

“So can we please?” I begged. “Come on, I fed you!” That seemed to convince them as they slowly, but surely put down all their hand held devices and sat forward. As the couches formed a box around the coffee table, I set the camera on the end couch and made them sit in every couch but that one. I pressed record and sat in the couch directly opposite. Ashton was to my left and Calum was to my right. Luke was taking up basically the entire couch to our left and Michael was on the right couch.

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