Chapter Twelve: Sheffield Shivers

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// Chapter Twelve: Sheffield Shivers //

We arrived in Sheffield at about half past six; around an hour after the conversation with Ashton. I was writing a report for Henry so he could see my progress. Mikey, Luke and Calum were all snoring around me and it was comfortable. I was listening to some of The Vamps and chilling to the liquid caramel sound that was Bradley Simpson, when my bed suddenly rocked. I looked up to see Michael climbing up onto my bunk.

“Hey.” He smiled.

“Hey yourself.” I replied.

“What are you doing up this early?”

“I got up, had a chat with Ashton, made some coffee, updated my twitter and now I’m writing an email to my boss.”

“It’s half past six in the morning. How can you function?” He moaned, sitting next to me.

“I have a reason to function, therefore I will function. I’m motivated. Plus I’m usually up by now to go for a run. Unless I’m having a really lazy day.”

“You women are strange creatures.” He sighed, leaning against the window.

“You men are lazy creatures.” I bit back.

“What are you listening to?”

“The Vamps.”

“Oh. Bradley, Tristan, James and Connor?”

“That’s them. Have you met them?” I asked.

“No, but I want to. I love their music.” He said, looking at the buildings flying past. I passed him one of my earphones and he put it in his ear. “Wildheart?” He asked.

“Yes indeedy.” I grinned, dancing on the spot.

“What are you two doing?” A very sleepy, blinky and shirtless Luke stood, staring at me and Mikey.

“Having a fucking rave bitch.” Mikey not-quite shouted. Luke’s face lit up and next thing I knew, he was on the bed.

“Turn the music up!” Luke yelped. I unplugged the earphones and the song Wildheart echoed throughout the bus. “Is this Brad?” Luke asked me.

“Yup.” I grinned. Luke and Michael exchanged a look and Michael shook his head. “What are you two doing? Sending telepathic messages?”

“Basically.” Luke shrugged as he chose the song ‘Hello Brooklyn’ on my laptop.


We pulled up outside what looked like a pub.

“Is this the venue?” I asked.

“Yep.” Calum said beside me. We were all in the kitchen with our hands wrapped around a mug of coffee.

“The Leadmill Pub.” Ashton said. “I’m coming beer!” He announced standing up in triumph. All the boys looked at Luke.

“What?” He asked, puzzled. Then he figured it out. “Oh fuck off.” He laughed. Luke was the only one who wasn’t legally allowed to drink. Me and Ashton were 19, Mikey and Calum were 18 and Luke was still 17.


I was supposed to keep my head focussed and down as I followed the boys past the crowds that had already formed outside the venue. I was wearing my ‘I’m With The Band’ shirt which seemed appropriate. The girls had all pressed themselves against the temporary fencing as we passed.

“Fuck you Carrie!” I heard. I was about to look up but I stopped myself.

“You’re a fucking slut!” I still didn’t look up.

The Existence of Carrie Griffith (5SOS) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now