Chapter Fifty: Announcements

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It was early Saturday evening and I was sitting in my apartment in front of the TV but not really paying attention. I was too fidgety, too excited for the beginning of the working week. To get back to how it was before I left. I had changed into fluoro pink sweatpants and an oversized cotton shirt. Comfort clothing. Talia had almost recovered from her heavy hangover and so had Haylea, but Haylea had become hysterical over the fact that she had drunk some alcohol and she wasn’t yet twenty-one.

“Calm down honey.” I’d told her when she’d slouched next to me on the sofa.

“I made a personal pact and I disobeyed my own orders.” She grumbled. I ended up cooking chicken tacos for dinner to perk up her mood. Thankfully, when she’d finished her three tacos and bowl of vanilla ice-cream complete with sprinkles, her mood had significantly improved and though the two of them were quite drowsy, we sat together and watched So You Think You Can Dance. It made me miss my childhood dance classes which I’d only ceased attendance to so I could move to Sydney. I did dance occasionally, to myself. It made me happy. On my TV, stood an eighteen year old boy with an eight-pack and braces. His physique and technique was astounding and he was a contemporary dancer, just like me.

“He is brilliant.” Talia stated matter-of-factly.

“That he is.” I agreed. We ended up taking out our phones to vote until we remembered, it was a re-run and the voting lines were closed. Grrr. We also watched the recorded episodes of Downton Abbey. The love I have for that show is unbelievable. We went to bed at around 9.30. I had no plans for Sunday except to go and see Michael. After our chicken lunch I’d taken him home only to be crushed in a hug by his overly emotional mother who was happy I’d got the job. I put my phone on my bedside table without setting the alarm and turned the lamp off before curling up under my duvet and letting my eyes flutter closed.


Sunday morning was a lazy day. The previous day I’d planned to quit my job at Rush, not because I didn’t like it, it was awesome, but I had to focus on my studies. I threw on a summer dress I hadn’t worn in a while and a pair of flats and took a cab to Westfield, needing to save my fuel. I walked into Rush and saw my co-worker Ashleigh doing her thing.

“Carrie.” She chirped when she saw me.

“Hey Ash. Is Jenna in?” I asked her.

“Yeah, she’s in her office.” I nodded a thank you and walked to the back to the Staff Only door. Knocking a couple of times on the door that read Jenna Christensen I walked in. She gave me a greeting similar to Ashleigh’s as I took a seat across from her.

“Good morning Carrie.” She smiled. “How are you? How was your trip?”

“It was great. Cold, but it was worth it.”

“Good to hear. So what can I do for you?”

“I’m sorry to have to do this Jen,” I began, “but since returning, I’ve discovered I need to focus on my studies and while having this job has been amazing - you’ve supported me the whole time I’ve been in Sydney – I can’t handle the stress and I need to use this time for study and homework.”

“While it is unfortunate to hear that, I understand completely. You’ve been a brilliant employee and I know you’ll be missed.”  She smiled sadly. I gave her a hug over her desk. “Now, you’ve got half an hour to pick a few things from the shop and I’ll pay for them.”

“Pardon me?”

“It’s a thank you, for the past two years of your services. It’s been great and you deserve a reward.” I gave her a hug and thanked her as she let me go so she could do paperwork. I walked through the store picking out a few dresses and shirts, a new backpack, a hat and a pair of Havaianas. Ashleigh ran up a total which she’d give to Jenna later.

The Existence of Carrie Griffith (5SOS) [Editing]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora