John frowned after a minute, just now realizing they had been in the hallway alone for quite some time. "Where's our guest of honor?"

"Ronon told Caldwell he would watch over him."

"Is he still alive?" John asked incredulously.

Kai shrugged, she honestly didn't care one way or the other if Michael was alive. "I would assume so," she said. If given the chance she wouldn't hesitated to kill him herself for what he had done to them.

John snorted in disbelief and shook his head. He went still then as his thoughts scattered. Probably a by product of the lowering oxygen levels, and John worked hard to focus. "The way he talks about your planet. The wraith seem almost afraid of your people."

Kai shook her head. "Not really. Perhaps more wary than afraid. My people supplied sacrifices in exchange for being left alone, remember?"

"How could I forget."

Kai scrunched up her nose thoughtfully. Her thoughts felt difficult to organize. One of the first symptoms of hypoxia would be confusion, it was one of the reasons those working on restoring the O2 had been given the masks. "It's more like respect. Live and let live I suppose."

"You suppose?" John pressed it was rare for Kai to talk about her past so willingly and he had always been curious.

Kai shrugged. "I can't say for sure. I wasn't among those who made the decisions, I wasn't exactly popular among the tribunal."

"Can't imagine why," John teased gently. He could still see the shadow of pain in her eyes. He couldn't imagine what it must have been like to be betrayed by her own people.

Kai snorted. "I was too good. It's why I was chosen as the sacrifice."

"Being too good was a problem?" John asked in surprise.

"Those who are powerful lead among my people. I already told you I was only a half-blood Zian. Having a half-blood Zian elevate themselves would have been disastrous for the Mortii caste system. Throw in being too short, too headstrong, and too opinionated and I was all but guaranteed the spot on that planet."

"Headstrong, opinionated and stubborn, huh?" John teased. "I don't see it," he said squinting his eyes at her playfully.

Kai snorted. "I assure you, I was nothing but a thorn in their collective side. It's why they sent me to the Wraith."

"Maybe it was a form of attack. Sending a wolf in sheep's clothing, a hostile takeover."

"Or they figured I would be of more use to them with the Wraith," Kai went very still as her thoughts raced. With the Wraith...

"What is it?" John asked, frowning at the sudden serious expression on Kai's face.

Kai leaned forward and kissed him passionately. "You're a genius," she muttered against his lips and shoved herself to her feet.

"Yeah I know, but why this time?" called after her.

"Get Colonel Caldwell and Ronon. I need to speak to McKay," she yelled over her shoulder as she jogged out of sight.


Sheppard did as Kai asked and she returned to the bridge with McKay and Zelenka in tow a short time later. Caldwell called everyone into his ready room so their conversation wouldn't be overheard by the rest of the crew. Ronon and Michael were already waiting for them.

"What is this about?" McKay snapped impatiently. "As much as I love our chats I would rather spend my last breath of air getting another breath of air."

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