I saw Gil waiting for me on the side.
"Bitch you good? Why do you look like you're about to fight somebody—"
"Because I am! Gil I'm gonna drag that lil hoe and mop the floor with her ass!" I said while pacing the floor.
"Woah woah! What happened? What's going on, dunk talk to me—"

"Gil I got it." I heard her say behind me. I didn't even want to turn around I was too angry and I know if I turn around and say what's on my mind, I'm gonna hurt her feelings real bad.

"Yeah please calm her ass down, she's gotta go back on in five." Gil said and left us alone.

"Jan?" She called, but I still couldn't bring myself to turn around.
"Jan, baby look at me." She grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.
"Breathe hunny, breathe for me real quick." She coached, while rubbing circles on the back of my hands.
"Davina what the hell was that?" I asked through gritted teeth, I was still seething.
"I honestly don't know, it came out of nowhere. But I need you to know that I didn't solicit any of this attention." She grabbed my chin and lifted it so that we were making eye contact.
"I want you, Janet. You're the only one I see I swear to you. And you don't have to worry about Ember, I put her in check real quick." She leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I nodded my head, taking in a deep breath, finally feeling calm again. She rested her forehead against mine slowly rubbing up and down my arms bringing me back to myself.
"Okay. But if I see her touch you one more time, I won't hesitate to kick her ass." I told her honestly. She giggled "Oh I believe it, now go out there and do your thing." She said, ushering me back on the stage.

The rest of the event was spent doing the same thing; going on stage, introducing someone, back off the stage and repeat. Amara did a great job in between acts and kept the people moving during our intermissions, everything went smoothly. By the end I was thanking the lord above that it was over and done with, and I swore to Gil that I will never host something like this ever again. It was way too much pressure and it stressed me the hell out.
For the end of the event the band played music and people were free to make their way onto the dance floor. I of course was too busy to let loose because I was still managing everything.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Davina, she smiled that gorgeous smile of hers and held her hand out to me.
"Dance with me." She asked but I had to decline, even though all I wanted to do was dance with her I couldn't right now.
"Oh come on Jackson, the building won't explode if you dance one dance. Right Gil?" She asked Gil, and he backed her up.
"Yeah go on Dunk have fun, you deserve it." I rolled my eyes and he smacked my ass, making me jump and take Davinas hand.

She led us to the middle of the dance floor just as the song slowed down and lights dimmed to a low glow. 'Ain't no way' by Aretha Franklin began to play as I wrapped my arms around Davinas waist and hers draped over my shoulders. We swayed together as the song started off slow, she stared into my eyes the way she always did when something heavy was on her mind.

"Davina, are you—"
"Shh, just let it be" she closed her eyes and swayed to the beat.

She was so beautiful it was almost too good to be true and yet here she was, in my arms. I scanned her face up close, memorizing every inch. From the arch of her eye brows to the dip in the bridge of her nose. From her cheekbones to the curve of her red lips that were almost tantalizing. I was so close I could almost count every single one of her eyelashes. Up close they looked like violin strings, and every time she blinked my way I swear I could hear a symphony.

The UnforgettableHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin