Death of the Sick

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It wasn't hard to find him. All I had to was follow his sick smell. I followed the bloodshed and the burned buildings. He was loosing control of his dragon, and as I scanned the remains of the small town I could notice a few of Caldone's own men in the charred mess.

Out of the smoking debris a small child ran towards me and hugged my leg. I was startled, but bent down to caress the boy's face. He was alone, everyone else was dead. I pitied the boy, he looked up at me, his eyes sad and pleading for help.

I swept his singed dark brown hair to look into his quivering blue eyes. "Shhhh." I pulled him close, he grasped onto me in desperation. "Shhh, I'll keep you safe"

"Can you really do that?" His sickly-sweet voice couldn't be mistaken. I picked the boy up and held him close.

"Caldone" he smiled at me on the top of a rubble pile in front of me. Behind him, the dragon that had killed me. Its giant black eyes stared me down, I stared back right into its missing soul.

I set the boy down and looked him in the eye "I need you to run, ok?" He shook his head no, tears leaked from his eyes. "Please!" I handed him a phone and instructed him "call the first number and tell him to come here, tell him wolf is in trouble." He finally nodded. "Be safe and go!" I hugged this wonderful boy I had only met and pushed him forward and he began to run down the mountain.

I stood tall as I turned to face Caldone one last time. "You time is over Caldone!" I yelled.

"You know" he paused to pull a syringe from his coat " I always wanted the power of a dragon"

I gasped, looking at the syringe in disbelief. "You didn't!"

"Oh I did" he smiled and injected himself. "you know what gets me." he said as he twitched "I still don't know how you survived" his voice turned to a growl as wings shot from his back and his features began to widen and change.

Before my eyes I saw a cowardly man become a monstrous beast. I began throwing knives, but his scales were too tough for the metal. He was huge, I dug deep and pulled the monster out of myself as well. My bones cracked and my skin burned yet again. The pain was expected again, but I was use to it.

Even as a dragon, he was still huge. I looked behind him to see the other dragon come to his side, now there was two. I gulped, I might not finish this alive, but If I was going down I was going to take Caldone down with me.

When Caldone spoke his voice was monsterous and shook the mountain. "I will enjoy killing you once and for all" he almost smiled.

The smaller dragon was the first to attack, he lunged and tried to get my neck again, I lunged out of the way. Caldone swung out and I felt his claws rake across the left side of my face. I returned the gesture, my hand connected with his jaw, my claws creating gashes in his scales.

I was focused on him, not noticing the smaller dragon pouncing toward me. I braced for impact. I was taken aback to find the dragon being slammed into the ground by Superman's fist. The dragon roared and shot fire at Superman. Soon enough Wonderwoman, green lantern, Green Arrow, and an assortment of heroes were fighting the dragon.

I turned my attention to Caldone who didn't seem fazed by the heroes. He knew he was too powerful for them to take down. It was up to me. I snapped at his neck, scraping at his belly, he tore forward, grazing my leg as I moved out of the way.

His tail shot out, catching me off balance, I fell backward on my wings. He pinned my down as his spiked tail, different from my own non-dangerous tail, slammed down onto my thigh. I roared In pain and my throat exploded. a beam of white fire shot out, searing his shoulder, his roar was followed by his letting up on that limb.

Using his shifting of weight to an advantage I shoved with all my might, and he stumbled to the edge of the cliff. I got up, I had cornered him against the cliff. I personally didn't know how to fly, and neither did he, and there was some pretty sharp rocks at the bottom of that edge.

The other dragon came out of nowhere, flying into me, pushing me towards the cliff edge. I slipped off, about to fall, but I did what I had planned to do. I latches onto Caldone's leg with all the strength I could muster, and pulled him with me.

We fell, he roared in anger, I roared in desperation. I let go of him, and we both continued to fall. I turned to see the sharp rocks speeding towards us, I was about to cry when I felt a tug and jerk on my back leg, all of a sudden I stopped falling a couple feet from a rocky spike.

I looked to see Superman holding me up. I turned to see Caldone wasn't so lucky. Superman pulled me up to the cliff, setting me far away from the edge. The fatigue and bloodloss began to take its toll. I shrunk down to human, I was covered in gashes and burns, my body groaned with every move of muscle.

I sat rested up against a rock, and there from the debris came a figure running towards me. I stood up groggily to see who it was. I saw the blue and I began to run.

No matter the throbbing in my head or the pain in my leg, I couldn't stop running. I passed many heroes who turned to see me run in such a hurry.

When he saw me running, he ran faster. When we were barely five feet away I jumped into Nightwing's arms. He held me and swung me around. he set me down, caressed my face before he leaned down and kissed me passionately. The hollers, catcalls, and clapping let known we had an audience, but Dick just kissed me deeper.

I cried in happiness, an evil was gone, and I again had the boy I loved. Dick pulled back and kissed me softly and briefly before he wiped away my last tear.

"I will always love you, my wild wolf."  He kissed me again, and picked me up wedding style. "now let's go home."

"Home.." I smiled. "I would like that."

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