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I had been shown to my own, beautiful room. It was every bit as beautiful as the room I had had in the village. I felt so at peace here. I sat at my full floor-length windowed door, absorbing the hums of the building that enclosed me. A knock at the door calls my attention, showing me Ra and a beautiful woman with jet-black hair, it was time.

I raise myself from the floor, and follow them to my first lesson. It was nothing like I had done before. I was led through the wondrous halls to the main courtyard area. Before me was the class in which I would train. They were all beginners like me, little to no knowledge of fighting.

I join in the circle and sat. The woman walked foreward, addressing us "Stand, at attention. Now you become what you are meant to become."

Ra appears behind her, signaling for us to follow him. We head to the very back of the temple, into the mountain. We pass the most sacred chamber, containing the Lazarus Pit, and we find ourselves in a chamber that is decorated with stars.

I blink up at the wondrous sight. How could there be stars in a mountain? My question is answered as the stars begin to glow and move. They are wisps, wisps I had seen before. These were blue, and they descended upon us like little fireflies. They circled us as we came to an altar, engraved with many markings.

Ra then spoke, turning to face us "you each will walk foreward, and shall receive your path." Ra signals for me to approach first. I lie on the altar, the rest circle and kneel. Ra begins his chant, and soon the rest follow. I stare up at the ceiling, the wisps circling faster and faster around me as the chant changes. I hear it in my head, a war chant, resonating from my every being. I look around to see animals and other beasts surrounding me before a dragon and wolf appear above me, they roar and howl as I feel the chant break my every being.

I feel them come, the ones from centuries before. They yell and chant to me, calling me to my greatness. They were calling me to my purpose, calling me to my home. I was meant to be great.

And then it all stopped. I was sweating, breathless, and dizzy. I didn't know of anything that had just happened. I remembered it all, but knew nothing of what it really meant. I turn to Ra to find him smiling at me in knowing. He stands and walks towards me and says "You are the one. You are the one to become the healer, the warrior, the savior of the world.

I glance at those around me and hear Ra say to those around us, to the stars, the moon, and to the entire world. "Here is our salvation, she shall save us."

I left the pedestal, and took my place with the other students, each receiving their own marks. One a cobra, another is granted silver, an arrow, a water spider, and lastly sunlight. Each with a similar displays as mine, but smaller. They were very much smaller. We were each to be called by our symbol, but I had no clue of mine. I had seen many beasts, even the most prominent was the wolf and the dragon. I knew not of what to make of it.

"Young pup, come here" Ra asked of me. I walked to him, and he relieved me of my questions. "You have been given the blessings of two, and you shall be known as wolf. And when you are ready, you will be known as Draya, goddess dragon.

I was then called Wolf by those around me, my old name no longer a weakness to my being. I had been given a huge load, was I really the 'special' one? I was just a simple seventeen-yearold who had died in a robbery. One day I would exact my revenge on those men, I would make them pay for what they made my family go through, but most of all what they had made me go through. I didn't understand anything of my supposed 'purpose', but until then I would train and build myself to the best I could be.

For the next year I studied with the League of Assassins, every day learning something new, and everyday missing home. I missed my parents, my friends, and I missed

my second family, including Dick. I had finally found someone to love me, and I had been ripped away from him by death. I longed for him.

On the anniversary of my death and birth Ra called me to him. As I entered the center courtyard of the palace of a temple I now called home I found Ra sitting on the edge of the fountain that now ran there. The water flowed as softly as a bird's wings on a gentle breeze. Sitting beside him, he reached and held my hands in his.

"My young pup. It is time" I looked to see the doors open to mountain edge, my pack already waiting for me. I turned to Ra, and he nodded. I slid through his fingers and walked through the door to find my way home.

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