Reflections and the Family

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Breath. In. Out. Repeat.

That's all that keeps us living from day to day. A simple three step dance we all step to. The beat of our heartbeat, the voice our lungs, and the moves our body.

Living could be so simple, but death we have been told is so much sweeter.

I open my eyes to the bright glaring lights of a hospital room, and I quickly shut them to stop the pain in my head. Moving around a bit I conclude that nothing is connected to me, so I assure myself that nothing had happened to me. The sound of footsteps walks to the doorway, five sets of footsteps follow. I open my eyes again, the pain of the light not as bad as the first time.

"Well it seems we arrived just in time" a man smiles at me. He has dark black hair, he's wearing a tailored suit, and his eyes are a radiant blue. Overall he is a handsome man. He seems too familiar, but I really can't place his face.

"Sorry," I croaked "but do I know you?"

"Not yet" he said with a smile "but your mom does. The name is Bruce Wayne."

I stopped breathing. If I had a heart monitor connected to me, it would have went crazy thinking I had gone into cardiac arrest. I was so stupid. The man standing before me was the Billionare that ran Wayne Enterprises, and funded the hospitals, homeless shelters, and even my school, although everyone knew he liked the Gotham Private Academy better.

He reached out his hand to shake mine, and I responded with my hand. His hands were strong, and he had a firm grip.

"I came by to see how you were doing, the school car bomb is all over the news" he said.

A sudden rush of nausea hit me; flashes of blood, fire, and smoke blurred my vision and started to cry. I hadn't saved the last victim, I was too late. Too slow. I pulled my knees to my chest and sobbed softly. I then felt someone sit beside me on the hospital bed and wrap their enormous arms around me.

This time, someone else was doing the reassurances, not me to the hurt girl. I soon realized it was Bruce Wayne himself comforting me. In between one of my sobs I chuckled at the thought of Bruce Wayne the millionaire, consoling a little high schooler. Ugh. I scolded myself in my head, I wasn't a little high schooler, and not even batman could call me that.

"Why are you laughing?" I heard Mr. Wayne ask above my head.

I chuckled again.

"it's just.... You know...'sniffle' Bruce Wayne is hugging a highschooler who is sobbing and.." I looked down to confirm my suspicions "is covered in someone else's blood and tears" I gagged at the sight I saw. I had totally ruined his suit, and I probable looked so weak at that moment.

"Oh I don't really mind, nothing I haven't seen before." he smiled "and how about I find you some clean clothes".

What he said caught me off guard. Nothing he hadn't seen before? Before I could continue my thought Mr. Wayne got up and walked out of the room in search of a nurse, which brought to my attention the five other people standing in the room.

There was a pretty girl with enviable bright orange-red hair, a guy with black short-ish hair with eyes full of concern, a guy who looked my age in a biker jacket, black chopped hair, and sly grin. Then there was him. He was tall, muscular, messy black hair, and the most gorgeous blue eyes I had ever seen.

"So..." I tried to break the awkward silence "the name is Rosetta. Who might you guys be?" I looked up from my fiddling hands to find myself being looked at as if I was from the Stone Age. "Did I miss something?" I asked, my voice wavering at the end. I started wringing my blanket with my hands.

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