Big Boss

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I arrived at the high-end apartment building and dragged the runt out of the car. It ended up that his name was K-rod, I doubt his mother named him that. The building was called The Golden Towers, original right? It was gold, and I bet the towels were even gold colored, if not the actual thing.

We made our way inside, to the front desk, which held behind it a strumpet of a secretary, low blouse, high skirt, and the entire makeup isle on her face.

K-rod approached the girl, obviously knowing her. "Yo babe, good seeing you again, you wouldn happen to be busy tonigh' would yah?"

"Runt! What we really came for please" I snapped.

He jumped and smoothed back his greasy hair and turned back to the desk. "Hey babe, you know if the big boss is home?" He asked sheepishly.

The girl looked taken aback, and turned to the computer before her. "Yeah, he's in." her voice was as trashy as her outfit, and hurt my ears to listen to it.

I stepped foreword and grabbed the runt's collar, turning only to say to the strumpet "tell him he has visitors" and we made our way to the elevators. I turned and asked curtly "what floor?"

He shivered away "floor 12 suite 67" and he went back to avoiding making eye contact. The elevator dinged, announcing its arrival, and we boarded. Unlike normal elevators, this elevator played the worst rap music I had ever heard.

On the way up K-rod continued to glance at me, finally I just growled and snapped "what?!"

He shrunk back even more, although he was already pressed solid against then wall. "jus wonderin man why ye wearin a mask?"

I snickered. "You know Batman?"

He nodded.

"I'm going to take him down. And I'm not letting him use who I really am as a weapon against me."

K-rod seemed to lighten up a bit. "He a real dick in this business, beat up a couple of my homies working at the ship yard gettin a shipment. They went away, and their families were left to starve and pay the bills."

For once this runt looked like a real man. He not only cared about his friends, but about their families. "You have a family of your own?"

He chuckled and waved away the thought "to many pretty bitches to settle down" he grinned "and I'm in my prime years! Ain't a wife gonna hold me down yet!"

I smiled at his vulgarity. Even a slimy runt cared about people. Then the elevator came to a stop, and out we went. Walking down the hall two bulky men approached, obviously bodyguards. When they were close enough, they barked "this is a private area, leave."

I swayed my hips and pouted. "Aw, that's too bad." I let go of K-rods collar and pointed to him to stay like a puppy. I sauntered forward and placed my hands on my hips. "What happens if I don't leave?" I pressed forward.

"Leave now or you'll become a chew toy for the fish in the bay" one of the bulks threatened.

I grinned and started forward, but one if them stepped in front of me. "We are warning you, another step or..."

"Or what?" I laughed. "Ill end up getting through, and you two will end up loosing what's left of your brain cells!"

"That's it!" One of them reached for my arm, but not before I had slid out of the way, grabbed his arm, and slammed his head into the wall. The second one was even easier to take down as he tripped over his unconscious buddy. As he fell I made sure his face made contact with my knee.

As I brushed myself off I heard clapping, only to look up to see a well-dressed man clapping by the door to suite 67. "Well done, well done, I must say I'm impressed." he smiled. "My secretary said you had some business with me?"

I smiled and beckoned K-rod forward as I gingerly stepped over the unconscious masses. "Oh yes I do, and I do think you will be interested in what I have to say." I sweetly grinned.

"Well if it comes from a pretty lady like you," he flattered as he offered me is arm "I assure you I have both ears open to listen."

"Wonderful." I said as I took his arm. "We have much business to talk over."

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