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I was broken. My mind split between what was human and what was animal. I was running nonstop, my paws hitting the ground with such ferocity I swear the ground shook. I howled in pain, everything burned, everything changed, everything became - loud.

The details in what I saw through my tear-blurred eyes was defined, my ears pricked at each sound, and I could smell. I could smell a poacher five miles away, I could smell a deer as it ran away from my hulking form, I could smell them.

I didn't know where to go, or where I could go. I was lost in every sense of the word. As I slowed my pace I could feel the ground quiver at my touch, and the sounds of the forest engulfed me. I had always enjoyed the forest sounds, but this was different. I could understand it all.

The lullaby of the crickets, the arguing hoot owls, the joyful lightning bugs. Their language was now my language too. I could hear the singing frogs at a pond a mile away, how they sang of the beautiful moon, and the sorrowful lillies in the crisp autumn air.

Not a word spoken.

But I could listen to it all.

I tried to find my way in the immense forest, but I had the feeling I was walking in circles. It only took them three hours to find me wandering the woods. Batman had attempted to lure me like a wild predator into a cage with meat.

I hated meat. I only ate fish and the rest. I had been a Peskatarian in my previous life. I puffed at his flimsy attempt and moved on. Some of the others followed at a distance, but I didn't care.

I just wanted rest, sleep, warmth, home.

I didn't have a home anymore, the realization hit me. I didn't have anything anymore. I howled in distress, causing those following to pause. I turned and puffed at them in sorrow.

I no longer cares about them. I just wanted to rest. Rest for a very, very long time.

I looked up to find Robin standing in front of me. He holds his hand forward,  saying to stop in a calm voice. I don't know why, but I do. Something about him is familiar, but I am loosing focus. He walks forward towards me, hand still raised.

Calls from behind me yell for him to get away, he doesn't listen. He is a foot away when I lean forward into his hand. A sigh of exhaustion leaves me as I lean into his rubbing hand.

I was wild, and being tamed by a young boy in a mask.

He smiles at me and I slowly lower myself to lay down. He kneels to continue petting me. I nip his cheek affectionately. I had found someone who cared. Leaning my head into his lap I turn on my side. Only now do I feel the pain on my wrists and ankles from when I had broken out of the restraints.

Batman approaches and I whimper and lift my head to him warily. He to reaches forward and lays his hand on my nose before I return to the boy. I pull the boy gently into my paws and wrap around him.

Only now I smell him as I fall into unconsciousness. My little big man.

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