On the Streets

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The meeting was lengthy, but I achieved everything I had planned on achieving. I now owned his business, but only we knew this. everyone would see Harwood as the "Big Boss", which made me the God of his drug dealings.

I ended up buying five more drug or weapons gangs, each like the next. I owned them, but no one but the previous boss knew. They were my eyes and ears of the streets, which meant I would have something even better than a police scanner, I would have the thieves themselves. I also offered my 'protection' services for their more important shippings.

I then paid each family that had a member in my 'gangs' that had been affected by Batman. In all it was a good day.

I made my way home as the sun set over the trees. Mask back in my bag, I paid my driver to bulletproof his car, and a little extra to help his ailing wife.

Getting inside I headed to my closet, punched in a brick or two and my case for my uniform. Sliding into the tight black fabric, I sighed to myself. I needed to make myself known tonight, not just to the city, but to Batman. it was time.

Barely an hour later I was on the top of The Wayne Enterprises building, surveying the city skyline before me. Gotham was a dying city, no matter how hard Batman punched, the city was rotting from the inside out. Brass was fast asleep, thanks to some herbs so carefully placed in her salad, and I was on my way to see K-rod to hear of Batman's current whereabouts.

I gazed below as the wind rippled my hood, I breathed out and dived. The wind screamed past my ears, gravity pushing my body faster towards the ground, I reached out. SHING! I caught hold of a lamp post, swinging and landing on a passing truck. The lights of the city blurred past, I caught the sign above me and slid down to the side walk. I faded into the alley next to me to come face to face with a lit cigarette.

"K-rod." I nodded.

"Boss." K-rod puffed

"Wolf to you, remember."

"Yeah yeah" he waved me off "gotta be all villain and shit I know I know!"

I was on a time limit "where are they?"

"Always business with you eh'? They are over at dis address, costin all us money!" He handed me a paper.

"Thanks." I launched myself up the alley wall, and onto the roof. I reached the address in less than five minutes to find Batman and his crew beating up some warehouse workers, who infact worked for me.

I smiled, pulled my hood down a bit, and called loudly. "You know I didn't think there was a show tonight, I should have brought popcorn." I leaned against a pipe, standing on the nearest building.

At once Batman and his crew looked up. Gotcha. All the workers looked up at me, I waved slightly and they all ran off. Batman somehow through his mask looked confused.

"Your not their boss. These men work for Madam Cheng." he called back up.

I jumped down the three story building, landing without a sound or stumble. This afternoon I had in fact bought Madam Cheng's business, little did Batman know. "Eh. I guess they see real authority right here." I gestured to myself.

"You own Madam Cheng?" Batman was looking for answers, plus stalling me while robin and Nightwing were 'sneaking up' behind me. I heard them coming.

"I don't own her, she just knows not to get on my bad side."

Nightwing and Robin sprung foreward, I just simply moved out of the way. They attempted to recover, but as I tripped one, they both fell in a pile. I heard groans in response.

I turn just in time to catch Batman's fist an inch away from my face, I didn't even blink. "Always using violence on people who don't deserve it still?" I batted my eyelashes. I waved my pointer finger with my other hand. "Naughty naughty, what did I do to deserve this?"

Batgirl sent a kick to my side, I grabbed Batman's arm, swinging him into Batgirl, stepping out of the way of their collision.

I spin around to come face to face with Red Hood, but something was off to me. I could feel it resonating off of him, sickly sweet. The Pit.

"The Pit...." I barely managed out. I backed up without looking into Batman. Before he could grab my arm I turned and ran as fast as I could. I almost made it to the alley when Nightwing caught me around the waist.

I couldn't control my breathing, my hold body screamed to get way. I was on the verge of tears.

Red Hood grabbed Batman's arm as he started towards me. "Stop!"

Batman growled "What?"

"She knows about The Pit."

I whimpered as my entire body cringed at the word.

Everyone turned to me suddenly. I just struggled, all sense of strategic maneuvers gone from me in the pain.

Batman approached me with a cautious gait. "How do you know about the Pit?" He grabbed my jaw, forcing me to face him.

I whimpered again. It was too soon. this ruined so much. I felt a tear escape, and I sent an elbow to Nightwings' ribs. I pulled out of Batman's grasp, and dashed into the alley, and into the shadows.

They searched for me, but I was far enough away that they wouldn't find me. I pulled out my extra phone and dialed Raj. He answered on the first ring.


"Raj! You didn't tell me RED FREAKING HOOD had been in.....in...THERE!" I yelled into the little black device. My voice shook with each word. I began to cry, sliding down the wall I stood next to. "How could they have done that? Chosen to come back not able to come back to your family, friends, the one you love! All because your DEAD! Why didn't you TELL ME!"

"It was for your..." he started.

"WHAT! My own good? I can't even go NEAR him." I growled.

I was taken aback when my growl was an actual, wild dog going to bit you, growl.

"If I was to tell you Jason Todd had been..."

I dropped the phone. "Jason Todd... " but that would mean... no. I shook my head. I must have miss heard. I turned and ran home, not knowing my entire conversation had been overheard by one little birdy.

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