Chapter Ten

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September 21, 2018

I woke up to the sound of the phone's alarm going off next to my bed. Great, 6AM already. Quickly, I turned it off and rolled over to give Isaac a good morning kiss. But the space next to me was empty. It had only been a week since we moved in together, but it felt right- it felt normal. Isaac said his work had promised not to assign him any more business trips when the merger was over last summer, but apparently they didn't keep that promise for long. He was away on business a lot this year, probably even more than before, to the point we were seeing each other less given our busy schedules. That's why we got a place together, so we could spend more time together. Things were going well. The word "perfect" crossed my mind most days. After our one month anniversary I thought jealousy would be an issue, but this past year we were better than ever, despite the trips Isaac had to take. Not that we didn't argue, we did, it was just less often and less severe than last summer. The good outweighed the bad tenfold. Things got even better in the spring, which I didn't think was possible. Isaac was so romantic and the perfect gentleman. Any doubts I may have had last year about our compatibility were gone.

I made my way into the kitchen where a note was waiting for me on the counter. The note, written distinctly in Isaac's handwriting, informed me that he was called into work early for an emergency and told me to call him when I woke up. After I had breakfast I picked up my phone and clicked "Isaac 💕"

"Hey babe, sorry I had to leave early. It's crazy at work," Isaac's voice came through after a few rings.

My mouth twisted into a smile at the sound of his voice, like a natural reflex. "It's alright, I won't keep you. Are you still on for tonight?"

There was a sigh followed by a moment of silence. "I don't think I'll be able to, babe. Kevin said this paperwork needs to be done today. We still have a lot to do." I said nothing. Disappointed, but not surprised. Kevin has been demanding a lot of Isaac lately, and with the big promotion coming up it's not like he can say no. "I promise I'll make it up to you. A weekend away even more romantic and special than the one we had planned tonight!"

It was reassuring to hear him say that. I knew his promises weren't just empty words. He always made it up to me when he had business trips or had worked on weekends or late nights. Flowers, candlelit dinners, and sentimental souvenirs if he was away on business. His thoughtful and loving ways were one of the things I loved about him, one of the many things that made our relationship strong.

No longer disappointed I replied, "Can't wait! I'll see you when you get home. Don't work too hard."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

I'd have to find something else to do tonight after work now that my plans with Isaac had been postponed. On a normal day I would binge watch countless shows or pop some popcorn and put on a movie that matched my mood, but my excitement needed more than a stay at home night. Luckily, I knew just the person to contact.

Me: Hey Char, you up for some pool at the Hurricane Room?

A few minutes later my phone buzzed.

Charlotte 😘: RILEY sorry love, I got a date tonight 😉😏

Me: Ouuu a date? You seeing Noah again?

Charlotte 😘: Nah he ghosted but that's his loss, i'm a catch and he's boring 🙄

Charlotte 😘: This ones name is James. He's a doctor and quite the looker

Me: Sounds perfect! Have fun tonight and be safe ❤️


My stomach growled from hunger, but I had no motivation to cook myself dinner. Looking at the clock I realized it was later than I expected, 6:30pm. I got home from work later than usual so taking the time to make a proper dinner was unappealing, I was far too hungry. Instead, I opted to grab food at a cafe down the street. Besides, it was a way to get out of the house and pass time. It was a beautiful evening, the evening breeze on my skin refreshing from the heat of the day. Charlotte was probably already with her date at whatever bar or restaurant they decided to go to. I hope he's a good one, she deserves it. Not that you need someone to make you happy.

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