Chapter Five

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Song of the Chapter: November Rain - Guns N' Roses 

 "It feels like we're in a car-wash," Tom stated as he drove through the streets in the pouring rain. The wipers were at full speed, but it barely kept the rain off the windshield for more than five seconds.  We were driving so slow I swear some people on this planet could run faster, but it was necessary.  We could barely see anything in front of us.

"Yeah, it does," I laughed loudly.  The rain pelted the car so hard it was difficult to hear anything else, even your own thoughts.  "Babe, I think you missed the turn."  I looked back trying to see street signs or anything else that would indicate where we were.

"Shit," Tom sighed, "It's okay, I'll take the next one."  

This road didn't have a turn off to head back in the direction we needed to go, or if it did, we couldn't see it through the rain, so we kept driving and turned where we thought would take us back to the highway.  But it didn't.

We kept driving down whatever dirt road we ended up on.  "Do you know where we're going?  I can't see a goddamn thing!"  Tom shouted over the rain.

I pulled my phone out of my bag to check where we were, something I should have done as soon as we missed our turn.  "Dammit, my phone's dead.  Give me yours and I'll bring up a map."  Tom reached into his jacket pocket and handed me his phone.  "Alright, so you're gonna turn right at the second street."

"It would be nice if I could actually see the streets," he shakily laughed.  I could tell he was nervous, so was I.  Driving in storms this bad was one thing, but being lost made it so much worse.  Tom must have seen my body tense because he reached over and squeezed my hand assuredly before returning it to the steering wheel.  He could make me feel better so easily, it was one of the many things I love about him.

"STOP SIGN! STOP SIGN!"  I screamed at the suddenness that the stop sign appeared ahead of us.  Tom saw it before I did.  He slammed on the brakes and held tight as the car slid in the rain, the tires desperately trying to grip the dirt road.  I reached my right hand across to grab Tom and shut my eyes tightly.

"Shhh, everything's okay, Riley," I heard Tom whisper as he held my hand, stroking it with his thumb.  "Everything's okay."

I blinked the few tears that had formed in my eyes away and noticed that we managed to stop just past the stop sign without hitting anyone.  Thank god.  I gave Tom a quick peck on the lips before he looked both ways and started to drive again.

The tires spun as he hit the gas to go, but with the heavy rain the dirt road had made it difficult to start driving once we had stopped.  "I think we're stuck," Tom said nervously.

After a few more seconds, Tom was able to start again.  But just as he had, I heard it...  Over the rain I somehow heard the sound of the truck speeding towards us.  It was almost impossible to see through the rain and at the speed it was going, it would be impossible for him to stop in time once he saw us.

Everything happened so fast.

"Tom!"  He tried to get us out of the way now that we were unstuck, but the truck was going too fast and was already too close.  It was inevitable.

The blinding lights drew nearer as we braced for impact. 


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