Chapter Nine

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A/N I wrote this in December or January and could have sworn I posted it but I guess not 😅 

June 28, 2017

I was awoken by a gentle hand shaking my shoulder. "Riley baby, wake up."

Opening my eyes I saw his beautiful face above mine. "When you're ready, come to the kitchen. I made you a special breakfast." The smell of pancakes and bacon filled the air.

"What's the occasion?" I asked him when I entered the kitchen. I kissed his cheek before grabbing a plate for the delicious looking meal.

He looked shocked. "Don't tell me you forgot? What kind of girlfriend forget this sort of thing?" he laughed. So it's something I should have remembered... What day is it? June 28th.. What's so special about June 28th? My mind was racing. Birthday? No. And then I realized, June 28th, the premiere of Spider-man Homecoming.

"Did you remember yet, babe?" he asked eagerly as we ate the special breakfast he made.

"I think so," I replied. But why would he make such a big deal about the premiere? It didn't make sense, but it was the only thing I could think of.

A big smile spread across his face. "Happy one month, babe." It wasn't the premiere. Of course it wasn't the premiere you idiot. Thinking it might have been must still be a reflex from the past. Isaac doesn't care about the premiere, he probably doesn't even know it's tonight.

"Happy one month," I smiled back at him as if I had remembered all along. This past month had been the best I've had in a long time. After Rebecca and Harrison's wedding, Isaac convinced me to visit him in LA for a week while he was there for business. It seemed strange to follow someone I barely knew across the ocean, but it felt right and it wouldn't be that long. After LA and once Isaac came back to London, we started officially dating. Now we're in LA again on another business trip, celebrating our first month together as a couple.

"I'm so glad you were able to come to LA with me so we could be together today." he smiled. "I have a big day planned for us."

"We were lucky that my new boss let me push back my start date so I could come," I laughed. "I can't wait to see what you have planned!"

"Don't worry, babe. Work promised I wouldn't have to go on any more business trips for a while after this merger is finalized in a month, so we can spend more time together even though you'll be working too."


"Where are we going?" I asked Isaac as we drove to the surprise he had planned for me.

"That would ruin the surprise, babe." He looked at me with quick glances as he concentrated on driving.

My phone rang, distracting me from pushing for further information. "Sorry, I should take this." I said to him before answering. "Hey Charlotte, what's up?"

"Why are you answering your phone? Shouldn't you be on your super awesome date for your anniversary?" She asked immediately.

"Why are you calling me if you knew I'm on a date?" I retorted. "Wait, do you know anything about it? Isaac's not telling me anything."

"Of course, I know everything about it. Isaac and I planned it together. We're like best friends now you know," she joked.

"Tell me!"

"Never!! It will ruin the surprise!"

I sighed, "that's what he keeps saying too. So, why did you call?"

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