Chapter Eight

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May 13, 2017

"Riley! WAKE UP!" I heard Becca's voice yell as my body was shaken.

Not opening my eyes, I groaned, "Five more minutes."

Becca sighed as she left my side. I was relieved that she allowed me to go back to -

"WHAT THE HELL?!" My body was met with freezing cold water, sending shivers down my spine. "What was that for?" I glared at Becca.

In response she simply turned around and pointed to the gold embroidery on the back of her robe that read "Bride".

I jumped out of bed excitedly. With the stress of moving back to London this week, having finished my internship in Ireland, and the business of last minute wedding things, I completely lost track of what day it was.

"Are you nervous?" I asked her as I put on my matching robe that had "Maid of Honour" embroidered on the back.

"A little. But I'm mostly excited!" she answered. "We've been together for so long, even though we're young it still feels right. I love him with my whole heart."

I picked up my phone and texted a few people to make sure the other girls and the hair and makeup crew would be here on time. I wanted everything to run as smoothly as possible for Becca and Haz's big day!

"Are you nervous?" she suddenly asked me with a serious look.

My brows furrowed in confusion. "Why would I be nervous?"

"Well today's the first day that you and Tom are going to see each other in person in, what? Like a year?"

After the break up, Tom and I had stayed in touch on and off for almost two months, but hadn't really talked since- other than for wedding planning. As Maid of Honour and Best Man we had to FaceTime or do group calls for planning, but it was strictly wedding talk. We haven't seen each other because I didn't go home for Christmas; I didn't want to face Tom or his family. Instead my parents had come to visit me over the holidays with Charlotte.

"No" I shake my head. "I mean, yeah, it'll probably be a little awkward, but today is about you and Haz, not about Tom and I."

She just nodded in response, not likely believing what I had said. She had visited me a few days after she found out about Tom and I, so she saw the wreck that I was. But that was 9 months ago, I'm fine now.


I walked out of the room that Becca was waiting in with her parents, after helping her put on her veil. She couldn't leave until Haz walked down the aisle.

My heart fluttered when I saw Tom standing with Haz. They were waiting by the door for the wedding procession to start. Haz and his parents would enter first, then the bridesmaids and groomsmen pairs, then Tom and I, and then Becca and her parents.

Tom's back was to me, but he looked so good in his suit. Stop it, Riley.

Haz beckoned me over to them which caused Tom to turn and look. Haz gave me a hug when I reached them. Unsure of where Tom and I stood on a physical level, I gave him a small smile instead.

"You look beautiful," he smiled back. But it wasn't the same as before. It was hesitant and almost awkward. Of course it was. How else is one supposed to act when they see their ex for the first time after a breakup? We couldn't pretend that nothing had happened. But our relationship had ended on good terms, and for that I was thankful. It meant that there was no anger hidden in the awkwardness and that the awkwardness would hopefully pass after a while.

Lost in the Moments [Tom Holland]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora