Shuichi x Reader - Pregame Memories

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Gender: Female

He was always..quiet.
Sweet....and selfless.

You know, the kind of guy who would give you all his money if you asked him.

But on this day, I don't know what happened.

He became...the complete opposite.

Not only that.

He was.. Obsessed.

He had an obsession.

And that obsession..took my sanity away.

Because he remembered something.

But I can't tell you what it was.

"Come on, eat up."

He said, with a wide smile.

I didn't respond. I didn't even show a reaction.

Not that I could do anything at all.

I up all hope.

All the others are..dead.

He tricked Maki into killing Himiko, and Keebo..well..isn't exactly alive either.

Just a .. Doll. Controlled by Tsumugi.

"Open your mouth. You don't wanna starve, do you?~"

I don't even know how I look. Do I still look alive?

I hope not.

I am tied onto this damn chair..

Why care tho?

There is..nothing left anyway.

"Oh..(Y/N).. If you only knew what we had before this game started.."

I was starting to get angry at every word he said.

He..pisses me off..

Why me..?

How could I have in a relationship with this psychopath??

And how the hell could change his personality so much after one memory?

That's.. So fucked up.

"So you won't eat..huh.."


"Alright, then it's time for you take a shower. Keebo, would you bring her to her room I need to do something first."


Just..leave me..alone..

"We need to get out of here."


I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I-I thought you were-"

"I know I know, but we can't let *him* know."

I nodded.

"So what do we do?"

The hope slowly begin to rise in me again.

"I don't know yet. We need to find a way out. We should meet up, alone."

"I agree but.. When? This fucker is always with me."

"I figure something out. I..promise."

I smiled at him.

"Thank you."


"I'm back sweetheart~"

I gave him a death glare.

"Oh you show emotion, how interesting~"


"Come on, bathing time~~"

He dragged me into the bathroom.

"N-No, w-wait.."

He locked the door.

After he did that he filled the bathtub with water.

Then he pinned me against the wall.

"Come on~ You know how it works~"

"W-Wait..I can do that o-on my own!"

Please leave me..

Just leave me..

"Hm? You can? But you're my doll, aren't you?"

I looked at him, scared.

I'm not a doll!

Especially not for him!

But I'm so scared..

I can't move when I'm scared.

I closed my eyes and a minute later I felt something on my neck.

What the fuck is he doing. It..It hurts!

"Now you are for sure~ I marked you~"

I slowly opened my eyes.

"Y-You did what??"

"Are you scared?~ You have no reason to be~ It's wayyy better here anyway"

"S-Stop it!"

"Hmmmmm~ stop what?"

I think I started crying.

"I- I don't want to be here! P-Please just.. Let me go.."

His eyes grew darker.

"What do you mean by that? You don't like it here? You don't like me? There is no outside world! Accept that!"

He punched the wall behind me.

I sank to my knees.

Someone help me!

Then Kiibo broke the door down.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I won't let you do this anymore."

And so he knocked him out and tied him up.

God, is it really this easy?

"Let's go before he wakes up.."

He grabbed my wrist and then we locked ourselves in his lab.

"What now..?"

"Listen..I've been thinking. I figured out that the only way to get out of here is to..destroy this world."

"W-What do you mean?"

"I was thinking of anything else's not possible."

"I- so we..are we gonna survive?"

"I don't think so. Maybe you can. But I sure won't."

"Why?? What are you planning??"

He gave me a smile.

"Stay save."

He left and locked me in.


After a few minutes, I heard loud noises.

Wait what the-

Is this an earthquake??


I know exactly what it is..

It's him.

Please let him be alright..

The door opened. I went out and saw right in time how he blew himself up..


I looked around.

Everything is..destroyed..

Am I .. The only one who survived?

I guess at least this is all over now.

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