Nagito x Reader - Dreams

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(F/D/C) - Favorite Danganronpa Character
Gender: Female

*Peep* *Peep*

"Oh shut up!"

I screamed at my phone. I didn't sleep well last night, nightmares are keeping me awake almost all night, every night.

I struggled hard to get out of bed.

Eventually, I got dressed.

I don't eat breakfast. I just..can't eat anything this early.

I don't want to go!

I thought to myself. The worst part was that this only is the start of the week.

Motivation? What's that?

I looked out the window. Well, at least the weather is nice.

My mood lifted a little, as I went to school.

Since I'm a little early, I sat down at a bench near by.

The warm wind blew through my (H/L) (H/C) Hair, as i closed my eyes.

The bell rang.

No..I don't wanna go inside.

Sitting here is..quite nice.

As I opened my eyes again, the first thing I noticed was a white haired boy who starred at me.

I immediately looked away.

Is he..judging me?

I looked down on me. My..clothes seemed fine..

Ah, this is making me uncomfortable.

I looked at him, gladly he wasn't looking at me anymore. He had a little smile on his face.

Do I look funny to him?

I tried to just forget it as I got into my classroom.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"Oh hello (F/D/C)."

"You look down, what's up?"

"Nah I'm okay. There was just..this random guy who looked at me earlier. It seems like he laughed at me. I don't even know why I'm thinking about it so much."

"I bet he just thought you were pretty! What reason would he have think you're funny?"


"How did he look like?"

"Well, he had white hair, pale skin and he's very skinny."

"Not you're type, huh?"

"Nah. You know my type."

*Ding Dong*

"How about we skip class?"

(F/D/C) asked.


"Well, she said we could practice our talents. She won't notice if we do it or not."

I wasn't quite sure, but come on, why the hell not?

"I'm in."


We mostly just walked and talked most of the time. We managed to this until lunch time.

"We will be the first!"

(F/D/C) said and dragged me into the dining hall.

We weren't the first tho.

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