"is that my little kookie?" he said, lowly, "i almost didn't recognize your voice without the weak little quiver."

"i-" jungkook paused, cursing himself for stuttering, "i'm not your kookie."

he heard another pause- and then a snicker from the other line.

"oh, yes you are, sweetie. you'll always be mine.  i marked you up- fucked you full. that doesn't just go away, kook. i'll always be your first and your last."

jungkook just shivered, feeling as more anxiety kicked in.

"t-there's someone listening to you talk right now, right? and... they record these calls. aren't you afraid they're gonna use this in court?" jungkook asked, boldly.

once again, jimin just laughed.

"angel, i've got guys on the inside and out that owe me shit. i've got guys to distract and attack. nobody's ever gonna hear this conversation."

"...what do you want?" jungkook asked, trying to be strong once again.

"you're gonnna tell the truth in court tomorrow."


"none of that rape bullshit. you're gonna tell the court what really happened. we dated and i fucked you a couple times. that's it. that's what happened."

jungkook just sat there for a minute, thinking through what he said.

"b-but i didn't want it," jungkook said, a slight weakness returning to his voice.

jimin just smiled to himself. he knew he was breaking the boy down.

"you came, baby. every. single. time. if that was fucking rape then i don't know what consent is."

jungkook felt shivers on his body, really taking in what the man had said.

"j-just because i came... that means it wasn't rape?" jungkook asked, actually questioning if what the man said was true.

"of course not. you know how much i love you, don't you? why would i hurt you?"

jungkook almost caved, but he immediately pushed the thoughts away. he was being manipulated again.

"no. you... you hurt hoseok. you deserve to go to jail."

jimin's sweet demeanor immediately disappeared and was replaced with anger when he heard jungkook speak.

"listen to me," he said, angrily, "you will defend me in court tomorrow. if you even think about pulling any shit- i have many of guys who would love to feel what it's like to fuck you open- and trust me, they won't ask for your permission. then they will go for hoseok, too and anyone else who stands in my fucking way."

jungkook's lips parted as he realized the intensity of the situation.

"w-well hoseok is still gonna testify..."

jimin's smile returned, finding jungkook's tone laughable.

"they've got no proof, kookie. without you, my case is fucking dry."

"i-i'm not gonna do it. i...i can't hurt hoseok like that," jungkook said, panicking.

"hurt hoseok? angel, you're helping him. if you do as i say i won't lay a hand on his pretty little head. and besides... he'll go off with yoongi, right? he'll leave you in the dust. the only boy i'm worried about is you. who are you gonna have? you'll be all alone."

jungkook thought for a moment.

"n-no. i'll... i'll have tae with me."

"tae?" he asked, laughing, "baby, how many times do i have to tell you? nobody else is gonna want you, angel. you're so sweet and naive. people will only take advantage of you. they'll act like they like you and treat you all nice- then they'll drop you and move onto the next. you've already been fucked full, remember? you're already a slut. my slut. nobody's gonna want a little whore who's already been used. when it all comes down to it, kook, i'm really the only one you have."

by the time he finished talking, jungkook had tears streaming down his cheeks.

jimin was right. nobody was ever gonna love him. the first time in his life he actually thought someone might seem him like that and now tae was gone- off with yoongi.

"i-i just want to be happy," jungkook said, more tears streaming down his face.

"i know, sweetie. and you will be. everyone will be just fine once this court shit is over."

"are you sure?"

" a hundred percent."


i feel so bad for kook omg :((

also i'm rlly happy cause i figured out the plot for the rest of the book!! hopefully you guys like it <3

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