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Jorge's POV
I didn't know how long I was on the bathroom floor, but it was obviously long enough for Benji to pass out.
When I came back into my bedroom, he was laid on his back, fast asleep, and half off my bed.

I laughed, I didn't know why.
I shouldn't have gotten so upset earlier, I kept ruining things by letting my feelings get in the way. Benji was my closest friend besides Syd, I couldn't fuck it up.
I laid down in my bed, attempting to not wake up Benji. He shifted in his sleep as I laid down, and wrapped his arms around me.
I had to remind myself, It is not me he wants.
Then I untangled myself from him, rolling over and falling asleep.

time - skip

I woke up in the morning and had a slight headache, but it was way better than yesterday. Benji was in the bathroom throwing up though, poor baby.
He shouldn't have drank that much.

I sighed and went to get some medicine and water for him for when he came out. I went downstairs looking and saw my mom was still home, "Oh, hey, I thought you had work?" I asked groggily as I went into the medicine cabinet and grabbed some ibuprofen.

"I did, but they said I could go in later today- Hey jey what are those?" She asked and cane over inspecting my neck, I immediately blushed bright red.
Then Benji game downstairs looking for me, FUCK.

"And who's this..?" She moved her hand away from my neck and raised an eyebrow. I could barely respond. I was so embarrassed.

"Hi I'm Benji, uh Jorge's friend" He gave a little wave and I did a little hand signal telling him to go back upstairs. He nodded, then disappeared.

"Jorge did he-"

"No mama! Él no me dio esto, alguien más lo hizo. Benji es solo un amigo, lo juro. Vino anoche y luego nos quedamos dormidos por accidente." (No mom! He didn't give me this, someone else did. Benji is just a friend, I swear. He came last night and then we fell asleep by accident.)
I switched to Spanish when I was anxious, plus I hoped Benji wouldn't hear. I knew he spoke a bit of Spanish, but I wasn't sure how much.

"Okay..just ask before you invite people over next time alright love?" Her voice went soft and I nodded.

Benji's POV (finally ikr)
I heard Jorge slightly yelling downstairs in Spanish, I only caught a few things. I wasn't entirely educated on Spanish, but I got the basic idea. I felt shitty, I knew I drank a lot last night and I was..problematic.

I remembered everything though.
Jorge was too cute. I felt bad for constantly hurting him. Yet I couldn't just, be with him. It wasn't that simple.
I checked my phone while I waited for Jorge to come back

Maddison😐: Benji? You haven't answered me in so long, the fuck!

Maddison😐: Baby! Please :( I miss you

Maddison😐: My parent's aren't home 😘

Maddison😐: BENJI it's fucking morning time now where are you!

Benji😎: Maddison stop being clingy, I don't care. I'm with Jorge, leave me alone. I'll text you later

Maddison😐: Excuse me? The fag boy?

Benji😎: Don't fucking call him that.

Maddison😐: what? It's true. We both know it I mean, look at his clothes, and that hair? God he looks stupid lol.

Benji😎: Don't text me bitch, we're over, fuck you. Jorge's better than you in everyway.
seen 6:20am

I put my phone down and sighed, then Jorge walked in and handed me some medicine, "Sorry, here's some medicine"
I thanked him and then took the medicine. I watched as he walked over to his closet, pulling off his shirt and changing it. I felt my face flush with color. I shouldn't watch him change, I'm not a pervert.

I turned around and went into his bathroom again, "Jey, can I use your toothbrush?" I asked and he yelled a sure from the next room.

I brushed my teeth quickly then walked out again, seeing Jorge fully dressed.
He looked extremely attractive, wearing black jeans, a long sleeve and some chains around his neck.

"Benji stop staring at me before I punch you again"
He almost said, whisper-like, and then chuckled.

I felt my heart melt.
I wouldn't even mind if he did it again, I could stare at him forever.
"Sorry, I can't help it, you're beautiful"

"Stop being gay and let's go" He rolled his eyes then grabbed his shoes and bag. I did the same grabbing all my shit as we headed downstairs. We waved goodbye to his mother and then left for school.
Can't wait for this shit to be over.

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