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Not this feeling again. It always became stronger each time I heard his voice. It tugged on my heart and If I could I just, would kiss him right through the stupid ass screen. But I couldn't. I wouldn't. Benji doesn't like me that way, at least not anymore since I fucked it up.

"Hey Benjamin; whats up?" I say and try to regain my composure again, I saw myself in the video thing and my face was flushed red from yelling, and talking and just thinking about embarrassing things. I wanted to claw my eyes out.

"I just realized you're going to my fucking school: Like yes, you told me. BUT IM? It's just clicking, JORGE!!" He almost squealed, fuck.
Who said this bitch could be so cute?

"You're so dumb, you interrupted my facetime with syd for this?" I sighed and facepalmed being mock-overdramatic.

"Shit, I interrupted your facetime? I'm sorry" I saw him bite his lip in an anxious matter and I felt really sad and regretted mentioning it.

"Wait no no no, love it's fine"
My face was beet red again. Why did I say that. I SHOULD STOP. It was pretty fun though...I liked Benji's reactions. He was currently sitting there with one eyebrow raised and laughing nervously.

"Love? that's new from you" He ran a hand through his hair and then winked at me, making me squirm.
I liked it a lot.
Fuck being gay
Im straight now. I cant even.
I announced this to Benji :

"Benji I give up, Im straight now." I did a somewhat pout and sighed. His laughed instantly made me smile though, it was just wholesome.

"And why's that Jorge?"

"Because," I huffed and then moved my hair slightly so I could see before continuing to talk. "all men know how to do is eat, sleep, and make me cry"

"I wouldn't make you cry"

My heart sort of, stopped. He said little things like that and for some reason they've been getting to me more and more. My face was so heated up I grabbed a pillow to cover it.
"just shut the fuck up I-i hate you I KNOW ugh. but you're not interested so, whatever" I mumbled into the pillow. Somehow he still heard it.
Even my stutter.

He looked up from his lap at the facetime and shook his head at me and laughed. "Okay"
The fake freckles were gone this time, just Benji plain and simple.
And yet, I couldn't help but think.
Man I want to fuck him.
j e s u s save me!

"Anyways; I'm sorry for bothering you, I'll see you tomorrow right? Meet me at the front and we can hang"
I smiled. He wanted to hang.

"Yeah cool cool, text me?"

"Anything for you, bye jey" He laughed as he picked up his phone.
I did the same
"Bye Benjiii"

The facetime ended.
My smile faded. I felt so tired.
Then a text came through, and my smile came back slightly.

Contact name "Benji"



confirm deny


Benjamin💘💕❤️: Thanks for accepting the facetime Jorge, I can't wait to finally be able to hangout together. Plans this weekend?

Jorge🐟🌸: No problem Benji, and yeah for sure bitch. I love you


Jorge🐟🌸: I MEANT FACETIMING YOU* i love facetiming you 😡😡😡

Benjamin💘💕❤️: wow? you move quickly huh? cute-

Jorge🐟🌸: no, shut up i didn't mean it

Benjamin💘💕❤️: sure you didn't...goodnight Jorge see you tomorrow 🗿👍

Jorge🐟🌸: god fucking dammit, whatever goodnight bitchboy 😐😐

Benjamin💘💕❤️: Sweet dreams angel
seen 10:20pm

loverboys || benjeyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora