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The school day went by quickly after that incident. I was happy to be out, I just wanted to go home and vent about it all to Syd so I could get it out. I slammed my locker shut and turned to leave when someone grabbed my arm. I flinched and turned around seeing Chase from earlier. I sighed and relaxed, "Hey Chase, whats up?"

"Are you alright? Rumors went around Benji and you got into a fight earlier? Is that true?" Chase bugged. God, he could be a bit annoying couldn't he?

"Yeah, but It wasn't really a big deal. I think..we're alright now? Somewhat." I looked at Chase who nodded, as we exited the school together. I had to walk home, tragically. I wasn't looking forward to it.

"So how was your first day, besides getting punched by the hottest guy in our school?" He laughed and I shook my head, embarrassed.

"It was fine. A lot of shit happened, Oh and I met a guy named Marcus when I was skipping." Chase stopped.

"Jorge! YOU SKIPPED ON YOUR FIRST DAY?" He yelled and I told him to be quiet so nobody would hear as I laughed and nodded. "God you're such a little rebel huh? I'm impressed."

I stayed quite as we continued walking, then he broke away and started to head down a different road, "I've got to go here, see you tomorrow Jorge! Stay safe" Chase yelled and I just waved as he walked away. Ok, maybe he wasn't all that bad.

I continued walking for another ten minutes or so before I got home. I went to the door and unlocked it, slipping inside and throwing off my shoes and bag before heading to my room. The house was deathly silent. Nobody was home. It sort of made me anxious. I flopped onto my bed and hit facetime on Syd's contact. It was one in the morning, but I knew he would be up.

The facetime connected and Syd's face covered the screen, he was holding the phone like two inches from his face and he looked exhausted.
"Hey whore, how was your first day?"
I took a deep breath, then I began to talk.

time - skip
It took almost two hours for us to discuss everything, he kept pausing me to ask questions or freak out. Syd got really pissed that Benji laid his hands on me though, and I had to talk him down from telling Benji off about it. Speaking of which Benji had been blowing up my phone ever since I got home, but I haven't really cared.

I finally let Syd go so he could get some sleep and then remembered I had yet to text Marcus.

Jorge😳👍: Hey, Marcus? It's Jorge

Marcus🥴❤️: Yo hey Jeyjey, I was getting scared you weren't going to text me. How are you?

Jorge😳👍: I'm good, todays been a trip though. I got punched in the face 👍👍👍 wbu?

Marcus🥴❤️: wtf ?? by who? give me their name and address, I just wanna talk I swear. and I'm alright, better now that you texted me ;)

Jorge😳👍: nobody of importance, I sort of instigated it anyways. and that's pretty gæ.

Marcus🥴❤️: I'm pretty gay Jorge

Jorge😳👍: O h- ?

Marcus🥴❤️: cmon you don't have to act surprised lmaoo-

Jorge😳👍: im not really acting surprised i don't know, i thought you were just being friendly, but i'm bad at social cues.. i'm gay too though 🥰✋🏻

Marcus🥴❤️: hm i see; and that's cool, i've got to go for dinner. hey, do you think maybe we could hangout this weekend though?

Jorge😳👍: yea sure, that'd be fun :) n okay ttyl marcus ❤️

Marcus🥴❤️: ttyl pretty boy :)
read 3:10pm
I giggled to myself, it was nice to have a distraction from Benji. Speaking of which, I had plenty of un-read texts from him, 24 to be exact. I sighed and put my phone on the charger before curling up on my bed and slowly falling asleep.

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